Almanac (Sunrise and Sunset Times, and Moon Age)
You can check the sunrise/sunset times and moon age for your manually specified Home City or for location information obtained by phone connection or GPS signal reception.
Checking Sunrise and Sunset Times, and Moon Age
Display the current time screen.
Use (A) and (D) to select [ALMANAC].
Press (C).
Use (A) and (D) to select the day.
Moon Graph + Moon Age
Sunrise time
Sunset time
This displays the sunrise and sunset times, and the Moon age.
If you do not perform any operation for two or three minutes while the sunrise and sunset time screen is displayed, the watch automatically returns to the current time screen.
Interpreting the Moon Graph and Moon Age Indicator
Moon phase |
Moon age |
This indicator: |
New Moon |
0.0 to 0.9 |
1.0 to 2.7 |
2.8 to 4.6 |
4.7 to 6.4 |
First Quarter |
6.5 to 8.3 |
8.4 to 10.1 |
10.2 to 12.0 |
12.1 to 13.8 |
Full Moon |
13.9 to 15.7 |
15.8 to 17.5 |
17.6 to 19.4 |
19.5 to 21.2 |
Last Quarter |
21.3 to 23.1 |
23.2 to 24.9 |
25.0 to 26.8 |
26.9 to 28.6 |
The indicators in the above table show approximate phase forms when facing south to look up at the Moon in the Northern Hemisphere.
They are intended only to indicate whether the Moon's left or right side is darkened, and the Moon's actual appearance may be different. Also, in the Southern Hemisphere or near the equator, the Moon will appear in the northern sky, so the light and dark portions of the Moon will be opposite those shown by the watch’s indicator.