Module No. 3515

Viewing Your Training Performance Condition

You can use your watch to measure your heart rate, running speed, and altitude, and display your cardio load status.


To measure your cardio load status, you need to measure your heart rate and set up your profile.

Activities with POOL SWIMMING and OPEN WATER SWIMMING are not reflected in your cardio load status.

If the heart rate measurement setting is turned off for activities other than POOL SWIMMING and OPEN WATER SWIMMING, your activities are not reflected in your cardio load status.

Viewing Your Cardio Load Status

The cardio load status compares your load (STRAIN) with your endurance (TOLERANCE) to see how your training is affecting your body. You can control your total training volume in the short and long term by checking your cardio load status.

Cardio Load Status (Cardio Load Status)
Powered by Polar

  1. Display the current time screen.

  2. Use (A) and (D) to select [CARDIO STATUS].

  3. 3515_CARDIO
  4. Press (C).

  5. This displays the cardio load status screen.

    The message [NO DATA] appears if there is no data available.


Num_circle_1 Cardio load status


< 0.8
Training at a load that is less than recommended has continued for one week or longer, which is affecting your fitness level. Correct by increasing your training load.


0.8 to 1.0
Training load suitable for maintaining your fitness level. For better effect, try other types of training or increase the training volume.


1.0 to 1.3
Maintain this status. The training load is either laying a foundation for fitness or guiding you in the right direction for fitness. To maintain this status, schedule recovery time between training.


> 1.3
This status has a high training load, which is counterproductive. Rest is required. Create recovery time by including low-load training.

The displayed value is calculated by dividing the strain by the tolerance.

Num_circle_2 Strain

Shows the load of your most recent training.

This value shows the average daily load for the past seven days.

Num_circle_3 Tolerance

Shows how ready you are to endure cardio-strength training.

This value shows the average daily load for the past 28 days.

  1. Press (E) twice to return to the current time screen.


At least three days of activity measurements within the past 28 days are required to display your cardio load status.

Your cardio load status is updated after you activate the heart rate measurement and perform an activity measurement, or every day at midnight (12:00 am).

