Module No. 3515


You can use the pedometer to keep track of your step count while walking, running, engaging in your normal daily activities, etc.


Counting Steps

If you are wearing the watch correctly, the pedometer counts your steps as you walk, run, or engage in your normal daily activities.


Since this watch is a wrist-worn device, it may detect non-step movements and count them as steps. Also, abnormal arm movements while walking may cause a miss count of steps.

Getting Ready

To enable the most accurate step count, wear the watch with the face on the outside of your wrist and tighten the band securely. A loose band may make it impossible to obtain correct measurement.


Counting Steps

The pedometer will start counting your steps when you start walking.

To check the step count

You can check your step count on the watch’s current time screen, with the Life Log function or with the CASIO WATCHES phone app.


The step count can show a value up to 99,999 steps. [- - - - -] is displayed when the step count exceeds 99,999.

To avoid miscounting of non-walking movements, the step count is not displayed immediately after you start moving.

The step count is reset to zero at midnight each day.

The watch can store up to three days of step counts.

Step count results are transferred to the CASIO WATCHES phone app when the watch is connected to the app or when the app is started up.

You can also use the CASIO WATCHES phone app to specify a daily step target.

Causes of Incorrect Step Count

Certain conditions may make correct step counting impossible.


Any of the conditions below may make proper counting impossible.

Walking while wearing slippers, sandals, or other footwear that encourages a shuffling gait

Walking on tile, carpeting, snow, or other surface that causes a shuffling gait

Irregular walking (in a crowded location, in a line where walking stops and starts at short intervals, etc.)

Extremely slow walking or extremely fast running

Pushing a shopping cart or baby stroller

In a location where there is a lot of vibration or riding on or in a vehicle

Frequent movement of the hand or arm (clapping, fanning movement, etc.)

Walking while holding hands, walking with a cane or stick, or engaging in any other movement in which your hand and leg movements are not coordinated with each other

Normal daily non-walking activities (cleaning, etc.)

Wearing the watch on the wrist that is not the one you specified with your profile’s WRIST setting

Walking for 20 seconds or less

