Module No. 3515

Breathing Exercises

The breathing exercise function provides guidance for deep breathing exercises. The guidance teaches you how to breathe slowly and at a stable rhythm.

Breathing exercises help you relax your body and mind, and deal with stress.

Breathing Exercise (Breathing Exercise)
Powered by Polar


Setting a Breathing Exercise Duration

Use this procedure to set the duration (in minutes) of the breathing exercise.

Setting range: 02’00” to 20’00”

  1. Display the current time screen.

  2. Use (A) and (D) to select [BREATHING EXERCISE].

  3. 3515_BREATHING
  4. Press (C).

  5. This displays the breathing exercise reset screen.

  6. Hold down (A) for at least two seconds.

  7. This displays the breathing exercise duration setting screen.

  8. Use (A) and (D) to change the duration (minute) setting.

  9. You can set a time from 2 to 20 minutes in 1-minute increments.

  10. Press (C) to complete the setting operation.

  11. After the setting operation is complete, a check mark appears for a few seconds, and then the breathing exercise reset screen re-appears.


While the setting is being configured, the watch will exit the setting operation automatically after about two or three minutes of non-operation.

Measuring a Breathing Exercise

During your breathing exercise, the watch measures the time you spend in the calm zone (the time you spend breathing slowly so your breathing rhythm and your heart are in sync with each other).

Keep your arms still during breathing exercise measurement.

  1. Display the current time screen.

  2. Use (A) and (D) to select [BREATHING EXERCISE].

  3. 3515_BREATHING
  4. Press (C).

  5. This displays the breathing exercise reset screen.

  6. Sit or lie down.

  7. Relax your arm and adjust your posture so you can keep your hand still.

  8. Press (C).

  9. This displays the breathing exercise preparation screen.


    After the preparation is completed, the watch starts breathing exercise measurement.

  10. Breathe slowly (inhale and exhale) according to the animation.

  11. 3515_054_BREATHING

    Calm zone


    (No display)

    Good zone not reached.




    Very Good



    After the measurement operation is complete, the watch displays the result.

    Each press of (A) or (D) switches between result screens.



To reach the [OPTIMAL] zone, maintain a pace of six breaths (inhale, exhale) per minute.

[ERROR] appears on the display if you remove the watch from your wrist while the preparation screen is displayed or if a stable signal cannot be obtained.

