Module No. 3515

Barometric Pressure and Temperature Measurement

You can use the watch to take barometric pressure and temperature readings for your current location.



Check the information at the link below to find out how to ensure correct readings.

Checking the Current Barometric Pressure and Temperature

  1. Display the current time screen.

  2. Use (A) and (D) to select [BAROMETER].

  3. 3515_BARO
  4. Press (C).

  5. This displays the current barometric pressure and temperature.

    Each press of (A) or (D) toggles between the value display and graph display.

    After you switch to barometer/temperature measurement, the watch takes readings about every five seconds for three minutes. After that, a measurement is taken about every two minutes.

Value Screen


Barometric Pressure Graph Screen

The graph shows barometric readings taken every two hours. You can use the graph to view changes in barometric pressure over the past 72 hours, which can be used to predict upcoming weather.

  1. Temperature

  2. Barometric pressure

  3. Barometric pressure graph

A trend like this:

Means this:


Rising barometric pressure, which indicates that upcoming weather probably will be fair.


Falling barometric pressure, which indicates that upcoming weather probably will be bad.


To retrigger measurement, press (C).

The watch will automatically return to the current time screen if you do not perform any operation for about one hour during barometer/temperature measurement.

Measurement ranges are shown below. [- - -] will appear for the measured value if it is outside the allowable range.
Barometric pressure measurement: 260 hPa to 1,100 hPa (7.65 inHg to 32.45 inHg)
Thermometer measurement: -10.0 °C to 60.0 °C (14.0 °F to 140.0 °F)

Large changes in barometric pressure and/or temperature can cause past data readings to be plotted outside of the visible area of the graph. Though plots are not visible, the data is still maintained in watch memory.

Barometric Pressure Change Indications

Whenever the watch detects a significant change in air pressure readings (due to sudden altitude change, or to the passage of a low pressure or high pressure area), it will perform a sound and/or vibration operation and display a flashing arrow to let you know. The arrow that appears shows the direction of the pressure change. These alerts are called “Barometric Pressure Change Indications”.

The watch will notify you by a 10-second sound/vibration operation when there is a sudden drop in atmospheric pressure.

A four-second sound/vibration operation will notify you when there is a sudden rise in atmospheric pressure, or the passage of high or low pressure.

This indication:

Means this:


Sudden drop in pressure


Sudden rise in pressure


Sustained rise in pressure, shifting to a fall


Sustained fall in pressure, shifting to a rise


To ensure correct barometric pressure change indication operation, enable it in a location where the altitude is constant (such as a lodge, camp area, or on the ocean).

A change in altitude causes a change in air pressure. Because of this, correct readings are impossible. Do not take readings while ascending or descending a mountain, etc.

  1. Display the current time screen.

  2. Use (A) and (D) to select [BAROMETER].

  3. 3515_BARO
  4. Press (C).

  5. This displays the current barometric pressure and temperature.

  6. Hold down (A) for at least two seconds.

  7. This displays the barometer/temperature measurement setting screen.

  8. Use (A) and (D) to move the pointer to [BAROMETER INFORMATION].

  9. Press (C).

  10. Use (A) and (D) to select a barometric pressure change indication setting.

  11. [ON]

    Enables the barometric pressure change indication.


    Disables the barometric pressure change indication.

  12. Press (C) to complete the setting operation.

  13. After the setting operation is complete, a check mark appears for a few seconds, and then the barometric pressure/temperature setting screen re-appears.

  14. Press (E) to exit the setting screen.


If the barometric pressure change indication is enabled, readings are taken every two minutes even while the watch is performing an operation other than barometric pressure and temperature measurement.

The barometric pressure change indication becomes disabled automatically 24 hours after it is enabled.

Power Saving is disabled while barometric pressure change indication is enabled.

The barometric pressure change indication will become disabled automatically when the battery becomes [CHG] or lower.

Calibrating Barometric Pressure Readings

The watch’s pressure sensor is adjusted at the factory and normally does not require calibration. However, you can calibrate the displayed value if you notice major errors in readings.


The watch will not be able to produce correct barometric pressure readings if you make a mistake during the calibration procedure. Check to make sure that the value you use for calibration produces correct pressure readings.

  1. Display the current time screen.

  2. Use (A) and (D) to select [BAROMETER].

  3. 3515_BARO
  4. Press (C).

  5. This displays the current barometric pressure and temperature.

  6. Hold down (A) for at least two seconds.

  7. This displays the barometer/temperature measurement setting screen.

  8. Use (A) and (D) to move the pointer to [BAROMETER CALIBRATION].

  9. Press (C).

  10. Use (A) and (D) to move the pointer to [MANUAL].

  11. Selecting [OFFSET OFF] returns barometric pressure calibration to its factory default state.

  12. Press (C).

  13. This displays the manual correction screen.

  14. Use (A) and (D) to input the current barometric pressure.

  15. 3515_073_BAR_TEM
  16. Press (C) to complete the setting operation.

  17. After the setting operation is complete, a check mark appears for a few seconds, and then the barometric pressure/temperature setting screen re-appears.

  18. Press (E) to exit the setting screen.

Calibrating Temperature Readings

The watch’s temperature sensor is adjusted at the factory and normally does not require calibration. However, you can calibrate the displayed value if you notice major errors in readings.


Check to make sure that the value you use for calibration produces correct temperature readings.

Before calibrating the temperature reading, remove the watch from your wrist and leave it in the area where you plan to measure temperature for about 20 or 30 minutes to allow the case temperature to become the same as the air temperature.

  1. Display the current time screen.

  2. Use (A) and (D) to select [BAROMETER].

  3. 3515_BARO
  4. Press (C).

  5. This displays the current barometric pressure and temperature.

  6. Hold down (A) for at least two seconds.

  7. This displays the barometer/temperature measurement setting screen.

  8. Use (A) and (D) to move the pointer to [THERMOMETER CALIBRATION].

  9. Press (C).

  10. Use (A) and (D) to move the pointer to [MANUAL].

  11. Selecting [OFFSET OFF] returns barometric pressure calibration to its factory default state.

  12. Press (C).

  13. This displays the manual correction screen.

  14. Use (A) and (D) to input the current temperature.

  15. 3515_074_BAR_TEM
  16. Press (C) to complete the setting operation.

  17. After the setting operation is complete, a check mark appears for a few seconds, and then the barometric pressure/temperature setting screen re-appears.

  18. Press (E) to exit the setting screen.

Barometric Pressure and Temperature Reading Precautions

Barometric Pressure Reading Precautions

The barometric pressure graph produced by this watch can be used to obtain an idea of upcoming weather conditions. However, this watch should not be used in place of precision instruments required for official weather prediction and reporting.

Pressure sensor readings can be affected by sudden changes in temperature. Because of this, there may be some error in the readings produced by the watch.

Temperature Reading Precautions

Body temperature, direct sunlight, and humidity all have an effect on temperature readings. To help ensure more accurate temperature readings, remove the watch from your wrist, wipe it dry of any moisture, and place it in a well-ventilated location not exposed to direct sunlight. You should be able to take temperature readings after about 20 to 30 minutes.

