Module No. 3515

Viewing Life Log Data

Life Log lets you view the information below.

Step count target value and daily target achievement rate

Step count

Viewing Life Log Data

To view lifelog related data with the CASIO WATCHES phone app

You can use the CASIO WATCHES phone app to view data measured by the watch.

Check the connection

Make sure the BLE_mark symbol is shown on the watch display when you perform the procedure below. If BLE_mark is not displayed, refer to the information at the link below.

  1. phone-s Tap the “CASIO WATCHES” icon.

  2. phone-s Tap the “My Page” tab.

  3. phone-s Tap the “LIFE LOG” widget.

  4. Open the LIFE LOG page and check the details.


You can also use the CASIO WATCHES phone app to specify a daily step target.

To view lifelog related data with the watch

  1. Display the current time screen.

  2. Use (A) and (D) to select [LIFE LOG].

  3. 3515_LIFE_LOG
  4. Press (C).

  5. This displays the Life Log data summary screen.

  6. Use (A) and (D) to select the screen you want to view.

  7. 3515_062_fl_LIFE_LOG
    1. Step count target achievement

    2. Current day’s burned calories

    3. Today’s step count

    4. Target value

    5. Current day’s active time

    6. Daily step count target achievement rate

    7. Weekly step count target achievement rate

    8. Monthly step count target achievement rate

  8. Press (E) twice to return to the current time screen.


If you do not perform any operation for two or three minutes while the Life Log screen is displayed, the watch automatically returns to the current time screen.

Active Time

Your watch analyzes the measurement values of the acceleration sensor to determine whether you are walking, running, biking or performing another activity, or standing still.
Your active time is the total time you spend walking, running, biking, or doing other activities during the day.
When you are not measuring your heart rate, calorie consumption is also calculated based on behavior analysis.

