> Using Apps > Spreadsheet App

Spreadsheet App

You can use the Spreadsheet app to input values and formulas into cells, and perform spreadsheet calculations. You can also enter statistical data into cells, perform statistical calculations, and draw statistical graphs.


The maximum file size supported by the Spreadsheet app is about 30KB. The spreadsheet in this app has 999 rows and 26 columns, but due to file size restrictions, it may not be possible to input data into all of the cells. The maximum file size also depends on the type of data being input into the spreadsheet and its formatting, and on the amount of space available in main memory.

The Spreadsheet app does not support input of complex numbers.

Using the Spreadsheet Tab

Selecting h > Spreadsheet to start up the app causes the Spreadsheet tab to appear first. The table below describes the name and function of each part of this tab.

CY876_Spreadsheet_Using Tab_1

File name

This is the file name of the currently opened file. “SHEET” is the initial default file of the Spreadsheet app, a “SHEET” file is automatically created when you start up the Spreadsheet app for the first time.

Column letter (A to Z)

These letters and numbers indicate the current cursor position. For example, “B2” indicates the second row of column B. The row number and column letter of the currently selected cell are displayed in white with a blue background.

Row number (1 to 999)


The currently selected cell is indicated by a thick frame. When multiple cells are selected, all of the selected cells are enclosed in a thick frame.

Edit box

When a single cell is selected, the edit box shows the content of the selected cell. When multiple cells are selected, the edit box shows the range of cells that are selected.

Selecting Cells

Before performing any operation on a cell, you must first select it. You can select a single cell, a range of cells, all the cells in a row or column, or all of the cells in the spreadsheet.

To select this:

Do this:

A single cell

Use the cursor keys to move the cursor to the cell you want, or use the Jump command to jump directly to the cell.

A range of cells

  1. Move the cursor to the start point of the range of cells you want to select.

  2. You could select an entire row or column of cells as the start point, if you want.

  3. Press s0($).*

  4. This changes the cursor to a double frame boundary instead of the normal thick frame.

  5. Use the cursor keys to move the cursor to the end point of the range of cells you want to select.

  6. The edit box shows the range of the selected cells.

    To cancel cell selection, press b.

An entire row of cells

Move the cursor to column A of the row whose cells you want to select and then press l. This causes the cursor to move to the row header and selects that entire row.

An entire column of cells

Move the cursor to row 1 of the column whose cells you want to select and then press u. This causes the cursor to move to the column header and selects that entire column.

All of the cells in the spreadsheet

Press l while the entire column A is selected or press u while the entire row 1 is selected.

Pressing s0($) while you are editing the contents of a cell with the edit box will execute a range specification operation for copying or cutting the characters in the edit box. For more information, see Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Expressions.

To use the Jump command to move the cursor

To move the cursor to this cell

Do this:

A specific cell

  1. Select T > [Edit] > [Jump] > [Go].

  2. On the dialog box that appears, enter the name of the cell (A1 to Z999) to which you want to jump.

  3. Press O.

Top row of current column

Select T > [Edit] > [Jump] > [Move to the Top Row].

Column A of current row

Select T > [Edit] > [Jump] > [Move to the First Column].

Bottom row of current column

Select T > [Edit] > [Jump] > [Move to the Bottom Row].

Column Z of current row

Select T > [Edit] > [Jump] > [Move to the Last Column].

Inputting Data into a Cell

You can input the types of data described below into a cell.


A constant is something whose value is fixed as soon as you finalize its input. A constant can be either a numeric value or a calculation formula (such as 7+3, sin(30), A1 × 2, etc.) that does not have an equal sign (=) in front of it. A constant you input is aligned to the right of the cell.


A formula that starts with an equal sign (=), such as =A1 × 2, is executed as it is written. The result of a formula you input is aligned to the right of the cell.


A character string that starts with a quote mark (") is treated as text. Text you input is aligned to the left of the cell. In addition, a thick vertical line is displayed on the left side of a cell when it contains text. If a cell contains the text "B, for example, its content is displayed as Cell B.


Example:  Input the text A, B, C into cells A1, A2, A3, the constants 10, 10+10, 10 × 3 into cells B1, B2, B3, and formulas that specify doubling of the value in the cell to the left into cells C1, C2, C3

CY875_V2_Spreadsheet_Inputting Data_1-1

Cell contents

CY876_Spreadsheet_Inputting Data_1-2

Display screen after input


  1. h > Spreadsheet

  2. This displays the Spreadsheet tab.

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Inputting Data_2
  3. Enter the text into cells A1, A2, A3.

  4. Pk(”)PX(A)E

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Inputting Data_3
  5. Enter the constants into cells B1, B2, B3.

  6. Ur (Moves to cell B1.)

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Inputting Data_4

    This causes the calculation results to appear in cells B2 and B3.

  7. Input the formula into cell C1.

  8. Ur (Moves to cell C1.)

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Inputting Data_5

    Input the formula as-is into cell C1. This causes the numeric result of the calculation to appear in the cell.

  9. Copy the formula in cell C1 and then paste it into cells C2 and C3.

  10. U (Moves to cell C1.)
    T > [Copy & Paste] (Copies the formula in cell C1.)
    dO (Pastes into cell C2.)
    O (Pastes into cell C3.)
    b (Cancels the copy operation.)

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Inputting Data_6

    For details about copy and paste operations, see Copying or Cutting Cell Contents and Pasting Them in Another Location.


Pressing E in steps 2 through 4 or O in step 5 above causes the cursor to move down to the next cell. You configure a setting to have the cursor move to the next cell to the right, if you want. For details, see S > [Cursor Moves] under Spreadsheet App Settings Menu Items.

If you input a letter from A to Z, or the characters r or θ as a constant or as part of a formula instead of text, it will be treated as an alpha variable. For example, if you enter PX(A)E into a cell, the letter A is treated as a constant and the value stored in variable A appears in the cell.

To fill a range of cells with the same formula (Fill)

Use the Fill command when you want to input the same formula into a specified range of cells. The rules governing relative and absolute cell name references are the same as those for copy and paste. When you need to input the same formula into cells B1, B2, and B3, for example, the Fill command lets you do so by inputting the formula once, into cell B1.

Example:  To input into the range of cells B1:B3 a formula that doubles the value in the cell to the left

  1. Select the range of cells where you want to input the same formula.

  2. You could skip this step and start with step 2, below.

  3. Select T > [Fill].

  4. This displays the Fill screen.

  5. Highlight the Formula row and then input the formula you want (“=A1×2” here) into the cell at the top of the selected range (B1 here).

  6. s((=)PX(A)1/2E

    CY876_Spreadsheet_To fill range_1
  7. If you did not choose a cell range in step 1, specify the cell range here.

    1. Highlight Cell Range.

    2. Pe(B)1s`(:)Pe(B)3E

  8. Select Buttom_Execute and then press O.

  9. This inputs the formula into the range of cells you specified.

To fill a column of cells with a numeric sequence (Sequence)

Example:  To input the sequence of numbers produced when variable X in function expression “X2+1” is assigned a value of 2 to 10 in increments of 2 into column B, starting from cell B1

  1. Select the cell from which you want input of the numeric sequence to start.

  2. You could skip this step and start with step 2, below.

  3. Select T > [Sequence].

  4. This displays the Sequence screen.

    CY876_Spreadsheet_To fill column_1
  5. Configure the Sequence operation as described below.

  6. Parameter



    Input the function expression for generating the number sequence.


    Specify the variable name used in the function expression input for Expression.


    Specify the starting/ending value being assigned to the variable specified by Variable.


    Specify the value that should be added to the variable value with each step.

    1st Cell

    Specify the starting cell from which the results of the function expression should be inserted.



    CY876_Spreadsheet_To fill column_2

    Performing the next step inputs the number sequence automatically starting from the specified cell. If any cell that is within the range of cells where the number sequence values will be input already contains data, the existing data is replaced with the number sequence values.

  7. After everything is the way you want, select Buttom_Execute and then press O.

  8. This performs all the required calculations according to your settings and inserts the results into the spreadsheet.

    CY876_Spreadsheet_To fill column_3

Copying or Cutting Cell Contents and Pasting Them in Another Location

Use the procedures below to copy or cut the contents of one cell or multiple cells, and then paste them into another cell or cells.

For information about what happens when you copy or cut cell contents that include cell references and paste them into another location, see Relative Cell Reference and Absolute Cell Reference.

To copy the contents of a single cell and paste them into another cell

  1. Select the cell whose contents you want to copy.

  2. Select T > [Copy & Paste].

  3. This causes “‎[OK]: Paste” to appear in the status bar. You can continue to paste while this message is displayed.

  4. Move the cursor to the cell where you want to paste the contents.

  5. Press O.

  6. The contents of the cell you copied are pasted and the cursor moves down* to the next cell.

  7. If you want to paste the same contents to another cell, repeat steps 3 and 4.

  8. If you want to continue pasting to the cell to which the cursor has been moved, just repeat the operation in step 4.

  9. To end the paste operation, press b.

Default setting. The direction of cell movement is in accordance with the S > [Cursor Moves] setting.

To copy the contents of a range of cells and paste them into another location in the spreadsheet

  1. Select the range of cells whose contents you want to copy.

  2. Select T > [Copy & Paste].

  3. This causes “‎[OK]: Paste” to appear in the status bar. You can continue to paste while this message is displayed.

  4. Move the cursor to the cell that is the upper left corner of the range of paste destination cells.

  5. Press O.

  6. This pastes the contents of the range of cells you copied.

  7. If you want to paste the same contents to another location, repeat steps 3 and 4.

  8. To end the paste operation, press b.

To cut the contents of a single cell and paste them into another cell

  1. Select the cell whose contents you want to cut.

  2. Select T > [Cut & Paste].

  3. This causes “‎[OK]: Paste” to appear in the status bar.

  4. Move the cursor to the cell where you want to paste, and then press O.

  5. This pastes the contents you cut. At the same time, the contents are deleted from the cell where you performed the cut operation.

To cut the contents of a range of cells and paste them into another location in the spreadsheet

  1. Select the range of cells whose contents you want to cut.

  2. Select T > [Cut & Paste].

  3. This causes “‎[OK]: Paste” to appear in the status bar.

  4. Move the cursor to the cell that is the upper left corner of the range of paste destination cells.

  5. Press O.

  6. This pastes the contents of the range of cells that you cut. At the same time, the contents are deleted from the cell where you performed the cut operation.


Even if S > [Auto Recalculation] is turned off, cutting and pasting cell contents results in only the formulas in the pasted cell(s) being recalculated.

Inputting a Cell Reference

A cell reference is a symbol that references the value of one cell for use by another cell. If you input “= A1 + B1” into cell C2, for example, the spreadsheet adds the current value of cell A1 to the current value of cell B1, and displays the result in cell C2.

There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute.

Relative Cell Reference

A relative cell reference changes according to its location on the spreadsheet. The cell reference “= A1” in cell C2, for example, is a reference to the cell located “two columns to the left and one cell up” from the current cell (C2, in this case). Because of this, if we copy the contents of cell C2 and paste them into cell D12, for example, the cell reference changes automatically to “= B11”, because B11 is two columns to the left and one cell up from cell D12. Be sure to remember that relative cell references always change dynamically in this way whenever you move them using copy and paste.

Absolute Cell Reference

An absolute cell reference does not change, regardless of where it is located or where it is copied to or moved to. You can make both the row and column of a cell reference absolute, or you can make only the row or only the column of a cell reference absolute, as described below.

This cell reference:

Does this:


Always refers to column A, row 1.


Always refers to column A, but the row changes dynamically when moved, as with a relative cell reference.


Always refers to row 1, but the column changes dynamically when moved, as with a relative cell reference.

Let’s say, for example, that a reference to cell A1 is in cell C1. The following shows what each of the above cell references would become if the contents of cell C1 were copied to cell D12.

$A$1 → $A$1

$A1 → $A12

A$1 → B$1


If the result of a copy-and-paste operation causes a relative cell reference name to change to something that is outside the range of the spreadsheet cells, the applicable column letter and/or row number is replaced by a question mark (?), and “ERROR” is displayed as the cell’s data.

To input a cell reference name using direct input

For example, to input “= A1+5” into cell B1, move the cursor to cell B1 and perform the operation below.


To input the absolute cell reference name symbol ($)

Select C > [Spreadsheet] > [$].

To input a cell reference name using the GRAB command

For example, to input “= A1+5” into cell B1, move the cursor to cell B1 and perform the operation below.

s((=)T > [Grab]l (Selects cell A1.) O+5E


Selecting T > [Grab] causes “‎[OK]: Enter this cell’s ref” to appear in the status bar. While this message is displayed, you can use the Jump command in addition to the cursor keys to navigate between cells. To use the Jump command, press T while “‎[OK]: Enter this cell’s ref” is displayed. For details, see To use the Jump command to move the cursor.

Using Special Spreadsheet App Commands

The Spreadsheet app has several special commands like CellSum(), which returns the sum of a range of cells, and CellIf(,,), which specifies branching conditions. These special commands can be used inside of formulas.

To input these commands, use C > [Spreadsheet]. The commands described below are included in this menu.


Returns Expression 1 when the equality or inequality provided as the branch condition is true, and Expression 2 when it is false.


CellIf(equality,expression 1,expression 2) or
CellIf(inequality,expression 1,expression 2)


Returns the value of A1 when {Cell A1 value} > {Cell B1 value}. Otherwise, returns the value of B1.


Returns the minimum value in a specified range of cells.


CellMin(start cell:end cell)


Returns the minimum value of the data in cell range A3:C5.


Returns the maximum value in a specified range of cells.


CellMax(start cell:end cell)


Returns the maximum value of the data in cell range A3:C5.


Returns the mean value in a specified range of cells.


CellMean(start cell:end cell)


Returns the mean value of the data in cell range A3:C5.


Returns the median value in a specified range of cells.


CellMedian(start cell:end cell)


Returns the median value of the data in cell range A3:C5.


Returns the sum of the data in a specified range of cells.


CellSum(start cell:end cell)


Returns the sum of the data in cell range A3:C5.


Returns the product of the data in a specified range of cells.


CellProd(start cell:end cell)


Returns the product of the data in cell range A3:C5.


Example:  To input the formula for calculating the sum the values in cells B1:B3 and C1:C3 during the example under Inputting Data into a Cell into cells B4 and C4, respectively

CY876_Spreadsheet_Special Commands_1

  1. Move the cursor to cell A4 and input “SUM” as text.

  2. Pk(”)P/(S)P1(U)P7(M)E

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Special Commands_2
  3. Move the cursor to cell B4 and enter the formula to calculate the sum of B1:B3.

  4. We want to calculate the sum of B1:B3, so we use the CellSum() command and input: =CellSum(B1:B3).

    C > [Spreadsheet] > [CellSum()]

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Special Commands_3
  5. Move the cursor to cell C4 and input the formula to calculate the sum of C1:C3.

  6. s((=)
    C > [Spreadsheet] > [CellSum()]

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Special Commands_4

Editing Cell Contents

You can perform the editing operations described in the table below on the contents of individual cells, as well as on rows, columns, and the entire spreadsheet.

To do this:

Perform this operation:

Edit the contents of a single cell

  1. Select the cell whose contents you want to edit and then select T > [Edit] > [Cell].

  2. This causes the cell contents and cursor to appear left-aligned in the edit box.

  3. Use l/r to move the cursor to the location you want and edit the contents as required.

  4. After you are finished editing, press O.

Sort data in a range of a single row or single column in ascending or descending order

  1. Select the range of cells whose data you want to sort.

  2. Select one of the menu items below.

  3. To sort in ascending order:

    T > [Edit] > [Sort Ascending]

    To sort in descending order:

    T > [Edit] > [Sort Descending]

Delete a row or column*1

  1. Move the cursor to a cell inside the row or column you want to delete.

  2. You can select multiple rows or multiple columns, if you want. The row(s) or column(s) you select will be deleted.

  3. Select one of the menu items below.

  4. To delete row(s):

    T > [Delete] > [Row]

    To delete column(s):

    T > [Delete] > [Column]

Insert a row or column*2

  1. Move the cursor to a cell in the row where you want to insert a row or in the column where you want to insert a column.

  2. You can select multiple rows or multiple columns, if you want. The row or column will be inserted at the location you selected.

  3. Select one of the menu items below.

  4. To insert row(s):

    T > [Insert] > [Row]

    To insert column(s):

    T > [Insert] > [Column]

Delete the contents of all the cells in a spreadsheet

  1. Press a or select T > [Delete] > [All].

  2. In response to the confirmation dialog that appears, select [OK].

Clearing the contents of selected cells

  1. Select the range of cells whose contents you want to clear.

  2. Select one of the menu items below.

  3. To do this:

    Select this menu item:

    Clear contents only

    T > [Clear] > [Content]

    Clear formatting only

    T > [Clear] > [Format]

    Clear all contents and formatting

    T > [Clear] > [All]

This operation can also be performed using the steps below.

  1. Move the cursor to the header of the row or column being deleted.

  2. Select T > [Delete].

This operation can also be performed using the steps below.

  1. Move the cursor to the header of the line or the column where you want to insert a line or column.

  2. Select T > [Insert].


A Range ERROR occurs if an insert operation causes existing cells that contain data to move outside the range of A1:Z999.

Spreadsheet File Operations

With the Spreadsheet app, you can use the file operations described in the table below.

To do this:

Select this menu item:

Close the currently open file and create a new file

T > [File] > [New]*1

Close the currently open file and open another file

T > [File] > [Open]

Save the currently open file under a different name

T > [File] > [Save As]

Delete a file

T > [File] > [Delete]*2

Inputting the name of an existing file in the dialog that appears opens the existing file without creating a new one.

Deleting the currently open file other than “SHEET” opens the file named “SHEET”. Deleting the currently open “SHEET” file automatically creates a new “SHEET” file.

Transferring Data between a Spreadsheet and CSV Files

You can import into a spreadsheet the contents of a CSV file that is stored in calculator memory or transferred from a computer. You also can save the contents of a spreadsheet as a CSV file. For information about the procedure for transferring data between a spreadsheet and CSV files, see Using CSV Files.

Specifying the Text Color and Fill Color of Each Cell

For each cell, you can specify the text color, fill color, and fill color intensity (Normal or Lighter).

To specify the text color and fill color of each cell

  1. Select the range of cells whose text color and fill color you want to specify.

  2. Select T > [Color].

  3. Configure the above dialog box with the following settings.

  4. To specify this:

    Perform this operation:

    Specify the text color

    Select [Char Color]. On the menu that appears, select the desired color.

    Specify the cell color

    Select [Area Color]. On the menu that appears, select the desired color.

    Specify the intensity of the cell color

    Select [Paint Style]. On the menu that appears, select [Normal] or [Lighter].

  5. To apply the settings you configure, press b.

Saving Data to/Recalling Data from Variables

Spreadsheet data can be saved to variables, and data stored in variables can be recalled into a spreadsheet. Variables that can be saved to or recalled from are described below.

Save only: alpha variables

Save and recall: vector variables, matrix variables, list variables, list files*

A list file is equivalent to 26 list variables. For details, see List Files.

To save spreadsheet data to a variable

  1. Select a single cell or a range of cells containing the data you want to save to a variable.

  2. Select the cell range in the table below that corresponds to the type of variable you are saving to.

    To save to this type of variable:

    Select this range:

    Alpha variable

    Single cell

    List variable or vector variable

    A range of cells in a single row or a single column

    List file or matrix variable

    A range of cells that spans multiple rows and columns

    You could skip this step and start with step 2, below.

  3. Select T > [Memory] > [Store].

  4. On the menu that appears, select the type of variable to which you want to save the data.

  5. To save to this type of variable:

    Select this menu item:


    Alpha variable


    A to Z, r, or θ

    List variable


    List 1 to List 26

    List file


    File 1 to File 6

    Matrix variable


    Mat A to Mat Z

    Vector variable


    Vct A to Vct Z

  6. Use the screen that appears to specify the cell range and the destination variable.

  7. If you specified a cell range in step 1 of this procedure, you do not need to specify it again here.

    Refer to “Destination” in the table in step 3 for the destinations that you can specify.

  8. Select Buttom_Execute and then press O.


Text color and other formatting settings are disregarded when cells are saved to a variable.

The following describes what happens if you try to store data in a variable when a cell does not contain any data, when a cell contains text, or when ERROR is displayed for a cell.

If you are assigning data to an alpha variable, an error occurs.

If you are storing data in a list variable, a list file, a matrix variable, or a vector variable, 0 is written into the applicable cell(s).

To recall data stored in a variable into a spreadsheet

  1. Specify the cell to which you want to recall the variable data.

  2. Select a cell for recall in accordance with the type of variable as shown in the table below.

    To recall from this type of variable:

    Select a cell like this:

    List variable

    When “Down” is selected for S > [Cursor Moves]: Select the cell at the top of the range to which you want to recall data. The data is recalled from top to bottom starting from the selected cell.

    When “Right” is selected for S > [Cursor Moves]: Select the leftmost cell of the range to which you want to recall data. The data is recalled from left to right starting from the selected cell.

    List file or matrix variable

    Select the cell at the top-left corner of the range to which you want to recall data.

    Vector variable

    Select the leftmost cell (for a vector with 1 row and n columns) or the topmost cell (for a vector with n rows and 1 column) of the range to which you want to recall data.

    You could skip this step and start with step 2, below.

  3. Select T > [Memory] > [Recall].

  4. On the menu that appears, choose the type of variable whose data you want to recall.

  5. To recall from this type of variable:

    Select this menu item:

    Recall source:

    List variable


    List 1 to List 26

    List file


    File 1 to File 6

    Matrix variable


    Mat A to Mat Z

    Vector variable


    Vct A to Vct Z

  6. Use the screen that appears to specify the variable being recalled and the destination cell.

  7. See the “Recall source” column in the table in step 3 for information about the types of variables that can be specified.

    If you selected a cell in step 1 of this procedure, you do not need to specify a cell here.

  8. Select Buttom_Execute and then press O.


If you specify a cell that results in the recalled data not being able to fit within the range of the spreadsheet (A1:Z999), pressing Buttom_Execute in step 5 results in an error and does not execute the recall.

The recalled data is formatted according to the default formatting of the cell to which it is recalled.

Auto Recalculation and Recalculate

“Auto Recalculation” is a setting item on the Settings menu. With the Spreadsheet app’s initial default setting (Auto Recalculation: On), all formulas in a spreadsheet are automatically re-calculated whenever you open a file or perform an editing operation in the Spreadsheet app. Depending on the content of the spreadsheet, auto re-calculation can take a long time to complete. When Auto Recalculation is disabled (Off), you need to execute re-calculation manually as required.

To execute re-calculation manually

Select T > [Recalculate].


Even if the Auto Recalculation setting is On, you should execute T > [Recalculate] in the cases below.

When the Settings menu is used to change the Angle setting

When a cell contains a formula using an alpha variable or a function variable and the corresponding variable is updated

Statistical Calculations and Graph Drawing

You can perform statistical calculations and draw statistical graphs using data input into a spreadsheet.

Inputting Data

Depending on the statistical data being processed, input the data using columns 1, 2, and 3 of the Spreadsheet tab.

CY876_Spreadsheet_Statistical Inputting Data_1-1

Input of ‎2-Variable data without frequencies

CY876_Spreadsheet_Statistical Inputting Data_1-2

Example setup (Setup tab)


For this statistical data:

Input like this:

‎1-Variable (no frequencies)

Input variable-X data (1VarXCell*1) into a single column.

‎1-Variable (with frequencies)

Input variable-X data (1VarXCell*1) into the first column and frequency data (1VarFreq*2) into the second column.

‎2-Variable (no frequencies)

Input variable-X data (2VarXCell*1) into the first column and variable-Y data (2VarYCell*1) into the second column.

‎2-Variable (with frequencies)

Input variable-X data (2VarXCell*1) in the first column, variable-Y data (2VarYCell*1) into the second column, and frequency data (2VarFreq*2) into the third column.

In the Spreadsheet app Setup tab, specify the cell range for data being used for ‎1-Variable statistical calculation to 1VarXCell (or XCellRange), the cell range for data being used for ‎2-Variable statistical calculation to 2VarXCell, 2VarYCell (or XCellRange, YCellRange).

In the Spreadsheet app Setup tab, the cell range of frequency data used for ‎1-Variable statistical calculation is displayed as 1VarFreq (or Frequency), while the cell range of frequency data used for ‎2-Variable statistical calculation is displayed as 2VarFreq (or Frequency).


There are two ways to input statistical data: with frequencies and without frequencies (1 is used for all data frequencies). You can specify which method you want to use on the Setup tab that appears when you press > on the Spreadsheet tab, as shown in the example below.

CY875_V2_Spreadsheet_Statistical Inputting Data_2-1
CY875_V2_Spreadsheet_Statistical Inputting Data_2-2

Using cell range A1:A5 as data
Frequency of all data values: 1

Using cell range A1:A5 as data
Using cell range B1:B5 as frequencies


The values contained in the cell range used as the frequency data should be 0 or positive values only. Even a single negative value causes an error (Out of Domain).

Statistical data with a frequency of 0 is not used for calculation of minimum and maximum values.

Displaying Summary Statistics or Regression Model Information

You can use the procedure below to find and display various summary statistics from ‎1-Variable or ‎2-Variable statistical data. This procedure can also be used to display regression equation coefficients and coefficients of determination (referred to as “regression model information” in this manual) when regression models are applied to ‎2-Variable statistical data.

To display summary statistics or regression model information

  1. Input the statistical data to use in the calculation.

  2. For details, see Inputting Data.

  3. Select the range of cells into which you input statistical calculation data.

  4. You could skip this step and go to step 3, below.

  5. Press >.

  6. If this causes the Select Type menu to appear, go to step 5 of this procedure. Otherwise, go to step 4.

  7. Highlight the first line of the Setup tab and then press O.

  8. CY876_Spreadsheet_Displaying Summary Statistics_1
  9. Select [Calculate Summary Statistics].

  10. This causes the Calculate Statistics menu to appear on the Setup tab.

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Displaying Summary Statistics_2
  11. Highlight line 2 on the tab and then press O.

  12. On the menu that appears, select the type of statistical calculation you want to perform.

  13. To do this:

    Select this menu item:

    Display summary statistics based on ‎1-Variable statistical data (X)


    Display summary statistics based on ‎2-Variable statistical data (X, Y)


    Display regression model information based on ‎2-Variable statistical data (X, Y)
    (Select the desired regression model from the menu.)

    Linear Regression‎(a‎x‎+‎b)

    Linear Regression‎(a‎+‎b‎x)

    Med-Med Regression

    Quadratic Regression

    Cubic Regression

    Quartic Regression

    Logarithm Regression

    Exp Regression‎(a・e^b‎x)

    Exp Regression‎(a・b^‎x)

    Power Regression

    Sinusoidal Regression

    Logistic Regression

  14. Specify the cell range containing the statistical data being used in the calculation as required.


    For ‎1-Variable statistical data:

    1. Highlight [1VarXCell] and then press O.

    2. Use the dialog box that appears to input the range of X-data cells and then press O.

    3. Highlight [1VarFreq] and then press O.

    4. If you do not want to use frequency data, select [1] on the menu.
      If you want to use frequency data, select [Cell Range] and then advance to step (5).

    5. Use the dialog box that appears to input the range of frequency data cells and then press O.


    For ‎2-Variable statistical data:

    1. Highlight [2VarXCell] and then press O.

    2. Use the dialog box that appears to input the range of X-data cells and then press O.

    3. Highlight [2VarYCell] and then press O.

    4. Use the dialog box that appears to input the Y-data cell range and then press O.

    5. Highlight [2VarFreq] and then press O.

    6. If you do not want to use frequency data, select [1] on the menu.
      If you want to use frequency data, select [Cell Range] and then advance to step (7).

    7. Use the dialog box that appears to input the range of frequency data cells and then press O.

  16. Press >. Or highlight Buttom_Execute and then press O.

  17. This displays the summary statistics or regression model information you selected in step 6 on the Results tab. If a scroll bar appears along the right edge of the window, use d and u to scroll the display.

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Displaying Summary Statistics_3

    See Summary Statistics and Regression Model Information for the meanings of the values that appear on the display.

Drawing a Statistics Graph

You can use ‎2-Variable statistical data to draw scatter plots and various regression graphs. ‎1-Variable statistical data can be used to draw seven types of graphs, including histograms and box-and-whisker diagrams. After drawing a graph, you can display summary statistics and regression model information.

Drawing a ‎1-Variable Statistics Graph (Histogram, Box-and-Whisker Diagram, etc.)

You can perform the operations below based on ‎1-Variable statistical data you input into a spreadsheet.

  1. Draw a Box Plot, Histogram, Broken Line Graph, Pie Chart, Bar Graph, Normal Probability Plot, or Normal Density Curve.

  2. Display summary statistics after drawing the graph (except for Pie Chart).

To draw a ‎1-Variable statistics graph

  1. Input the statistical data to use in the calculation.

  2. For details, see Inputting Data.

  3. Select the range of cells into which you input statistical calculation data.

  4. You could skip this step and go to step 3, below.

  5. Press >.

  6. If this causes the Select Type menu to appear, go to step 5 of this procedure. Otherwise, go to step 4.

  7. Highlight the first line of the Setup tab and then press O.

  8. On the Select Type menu, select [Draw Statistics Graph].

  9. This causes the Draw Statistics Graph menu to appear on the Setup tab.

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Drawing Statistics Graph_1
  10. Select the type of graph you want to draw.

    1. Highlight [Graph1] and then press O.

    2. This causes the Setup tab display to change to the Graph1 setting menu.

      CY876_Spreadsheet_Drawing Statistics Graph_2
    3. Press O again.

    4. This displays a menu for selecting the graph type.

    5. Highlight the type of graph you want to draw from the menu and then press O.

  11. Specify statistical data cell range on the spreadsheet.


    For a Box Plot, Histogram, Broken Line Graph, Normal Probability Plot, or Normal Density Curve:

    1. Highlight [XCellRange] and then press O.

    2. Use the dialog box that appears to input the range of data cells and then press O.

    3. Highlight [Frequency] and then press O. (Excluding Normal Probability Plot)


    For a Pie Chart:

    1. Highlight [Category] and then press O.

    2. Use the dialog box that appears to input the range of data category name cells and then press O.

    3. Highlight [Data] and then press O.

    4. Use the dialog box that appears to input the range of data cells and then press O.


    For a Bar Graph:

    You can specify up to three sets of data to draw a bar graph.

    1. Highlight [Category] and then press O.

    2. Use the dialog box that appears to input the range of data category name cells and then press O.

    3. Highlight [Data1] and then press O.

    4. Use the dialog box that appears to input enter the range of data cells and then press O.

    5. Repeat the steps (3) and (4) above for [Data2] and [Data3].

    6. When specifying [Data2] and [Data3], be sure to specify the same number of rows as [Data1] data. If the number of rows is different, an error (Dimension ERROR) occurs.

      When specifying two sets of data, be sure to specify the cell range for [Data1] and [Data2]. If a cell range is specified for [Data1] and [Data3] while [Data2] is set to “None”, an error (Condition ERROR) occurs.

  13. Specify the graph color and other settings as required.

  14. For details, see Setting Items for Each ‎1-Variable Statistics Graph Type.

  15. To draw the graph, press >. Or highlight Buttom_Execute and then press O.

  16. The graph is displayed on the Graph tab.

    If the graph you selected in step 6-(3) is a Histogram or Broken Line Graph, a dialog box appears where you can specify Start (x-coordinate of the graph drawing start point) and Width (graph drawing width). Input each of the values, highlight Buttom_Execute, and then press O.

    For information about the operations you can perform on the Graph tab, see Graph Window Operations.

  17. To view summary statistics, press >. (This operation cannot be used for a Pie Chart.)

  18. This causes the summary statistics to appear on the Results tab. You can use d and u to scroll the display contents.

    See Summary Statistics for the meanings of the displayed values.

Drawing a ‎2-Variable Statistics Graph (scatter plot or regression graph)

You can perform the operations below based on ‎2-Variable statistical data.

  1. Draw a Scatter Plot, xy Line Graph, or regression graph

  2. After drawing a graph, display summary statistics or regression model information

  3. Draw a regression graph over a graph described in (1) above*

Common practice in (1) is to draw a Scatter Plot and then draw a regression graph over it. You can also draw a regression graph over a xy Line Graph or another regression graph.

To draw a ‎2-Variable statistics graph

  1. Input the statistical data to use in the calculation.

  2. For details, see Inputting Data.

  3. Select the range of cells into which you input statistical calculation data.

  4. You could skip this step and go to step 3, below.

  5. Press >.

  6. If this causes the Select Type menu to appear, go to step 5 of this procedure. Otherwise, go to step 4.

  7. Highlight the first line of the Setup tab and then press O.

  8. On the Select Type menu, select [Draw Statistics Graph].

  9. This causes the Draw Statistics Graph menu to appear on the Setup tab.

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Drawing Statistics Graph_3
  10. Select the type of graph you want to draw.

    1. Highlight [Graph1] and then press O.

    2. This causes the Setup tab display to change to the Graph1 setting menu.

      CY876_Spreadsheet_Drawing Statistics Graph_4
    3. Press O again.

    4. This displays a menu for selecting the graph type.

    5. Highlight the type of graph you want to draw from the menu and then press O.

  11. Specify statistical data cell range on the spreadsheet.

    1. Highlight [XCellRange] and then press O.

    2. Use the dialog that appears to input the data cell range and then press O.

    3. Highlight [YCellRange] and then press O.

    4. Use the dialog that appears to input the data cell range and then press O.

    5. Highlight [Frequency] and then press O. (This operation does not work with a Sinusoidal Regression Graph or Logistic Regression Graph.)

  12. Specify the graph color and other settings as required.

  13. Mark Type: If you selected Scatter Plot or xy Line Graph as the graph type, specify the mark to use for the plot.

    Color: Specifies the graph draw color.

  14. To draw the graph, press >. Or highlight Buttom_Execute and then press O.

  15. The graph is displayed on the Graph tab.

    For information about the operations you can perform on the Graph tab, see Graph Window Operations.

  16. Display summary statistics or regression model information.

    1. Press >.

    2. Perform the operations shown in the table below.

    3. To display this information:

      Select this menu item:

      Summary statistics


      Regression model information
      (You can select the one regression model you want.)

      Linear Regression‎(a‎x‎+‎b)

      Linear Regression‎(a‎+‎b‎x)

      Med-Med Regression

      Quadratic Regression

      Cubic Regression

      Quartic Regression

      Logarithm Regression

      Exp Regression‎(a・e^b‎x)

      Exp Regression‎(a・b^‎x)

      Power Regression

      Sinusoidal Regression

      Logistic Regression

    4. Press O.

    5. This displays the details of the menu item you selected in step (2) above on the Results tab.

      See Summary Statistics and Regression Model Information for the meanings of the displayed values.

  17. Press > to go to the Regression Graph tab and draw a regression graph.

  18. Choosing one of the regression models in step 10 draws a regression graph over the graph drawn in step 9.
    Choosing ‎2-Variable displays only the graph drawn in step 9.

    CY876_Spreadsheet_Drawing Statistics Graph_5
  19. Add regression graphs as needed.

  20. You can add multiple regression graphs on the Regression Graph tab. To do this, perform the steps below.

    1. Select T > [Draw Regression Graph].

    2. From the menu that appears, select the regression model you want and then press O.

    3. This adds the graph of the regression model you selected.

      You can repeat steps (1) and (2) above to add more regression graphs.

      CY876_Spreadsheet_Drawing Statistics Graph_6

    For operations that are available on the Regression Graph tab, see Graph Window Operations.


For details about Graph1 to Graph3 on the Setup tab in step 5 above, see Drawing Graphs Using Multiple Graph Setups.

The settings of the statistics graph View Window are automatically configured according to the graph being drawn. For more information, see Statistics Graph View Window Settings.

Spreadsheet App Settings Menu Items

The Settings menu items described below are specific to the Spreadsheet app.

S > [Auto Recalculation] …

Toggles between automatic recalculation and no recalculation for each data input.

S > [Edit Box Shows] …

Specifies whether the contents of a formula already entered in a cell are displayed as a formula or as a value. Even if value is specified by this setting, the formula is displayed when editing cell contents.

S > [Cursor Moves] …

Selects the cursor movement direction (down or right) after data is input or pasted into a cell.