> Using Apps > Base-N App

Base-N App

The Base-N application batch returns the results of a calculation in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, and binary form. The calculation can be input using hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or binary numbers.

In this chapter, subscripts are appended to values to indicate the radix of the value. For example, 116 means hexadecimal 1.

Basic Calculation Operations

To start a calculation

  1. h > Base-N

  2. This causes the input cursor to appear in the upper left corner of the app window.

  3. Use F to select a number system (base).

  4. Each press of F cycles the number system setting in the sequence: [Decimal] → [Hexadecimal] → [Binary] → [Octal]. The currently selected number system is shown in line two of the app window.

  5. Input the calculation and then press E.

  6. The calculation result is displayed in Hex (hexadecimal), Dec (decimal), Oct (octal), and Bin (binary) form.

Inputting Values

The letters A through F for hexadecimal values can be entered using key input or menu input.
XA, eB, jC, gD, iE, NF or C > [Hex Value] > [A], [B], [C], [D], [E], [F]

You can specify the number system for any value in a calculation by including d, h, b, or o before the value.
C > [Base Prefix] > [d], [h], [b], [o] (d: Decimal, h: Hexadecimal, b: Binary, o: Octal)
Example: d10 is treated as 1010. b111 is treated as 1112.

Input of decimal fractions and exponents is not supported. If a calculation result produces a decimal fraction or exponent, the decimal fraction or exponent will be cut off.

Example Calculation


F > [Binary]

CY875_Base-N_Basic Calculation_1


F > [Hexadecimal]

CY875_Base-N_Basic Calculation_2


F > [Decimal]
C > [Base Prefix] > [h]10+
C > [Base Prefix] > [b]10E

CY875_Base-N_Basic Calculation_3

Latest Calculation Result (Ans)

The result of the latest calculation is stored in a variable named Ans, which is independent of the Calculate app’s Ans. To input Ans into a new calculation, press PF(Ans).

Pressing F clears the calculation and all results, but Ans retains the latest calculation result.

The Base-N app’s Ans is reset to 0 each time you exit the Base-N app.

Logical Operations and Negative Number Calculations

The following functions and commands can perform logical (bitwise operations) and negative number calculations.

C > [Logic Operation] > [Neg()], [Not()], [and], [or], [xor], [xnor]



Obtains the negative value*1 of n.


Negates*2 n.

n and m

Obtains the logical conjunction*3 of n and m.

n or m

Obtains the logical disjunction*3 of n and m.

n xor m

Obtains the exclusive OR*3 of n and m.

n xnor m

Negates*3 the exclusive OR of n and m.

Two’s complement. Negative binary, octal, and hexadecimal values are produced by taking the two’s complement of a 32-bit binary number and then returning the result to the original number base. With the decimal number base, negative values are displayed with a minus sign.

One’s complement (bitwise complement)

Bitwise AND, bitwise OR, bitwise XOR, bitwise XNOR

Example Calculation

Logical Operators

To obtain the result of 12016 and AD16

F > [Hexadecimal]
120C > [Logic Operation] > [and]

CY875_Base-N_Logical Operations _1

Negative Value Calculations

To obtain the negative value of 1100102

F > [Binary]
C > [Logic Operation] > [Neg()]

CY875_Base-N_Logical Operations _2

Input/Output Ranges

Input and output ranges for each number system are shown below (32 bits).


Input/Output Range



00000000000000000000000000000000 ≤ x ≤ 01111111111111111111111111111111


10000000000000000000000000000000 ≤ x ≤ 11111111111111111111111111111111



00000000000 ≤ x ≤ 17777777777


20000000000 ≤ x ≤ 37777777777


-2147483648 ≤ x ≤ 2147483647



00000000 ≤ x ≤ 7FFFFFFF


80000000 ≤ x ≤ FFFFFFFF