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About This Manual
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
The contents of this manual have been checked at each step along the production process. Feel free to contact us if you notice anything that is questionable, erroneous, etc.
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of the manufacturer.
The displays and illustrations (such as key markings) shown in this manual are for illustrative purposes only, and may differ somewhat from the actual items they represent.
QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in Japan and in other countries.
Python is a registered trademark of the Python Software Foundation. Trademark (™) and registered trademark (®) symbols are not used in this manual.
Company and product names used in this manual may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.
In no event shall CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of this product and items that come with it. Moreover, CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever by any other party arising out of the use of this product and the items that come with it.
In no event will the manufacturer and its suppliers be liable to you or any other person for any damages, expenses, lost profits, lost savings or any other damages arising out of loss of data and/or formulas arising out of malfunction, repairs, or battery replacement. It is up to you to prepare physical records of data to protect against such data loss.
Attention fx-CG100 Users
Unless otherwise noted, this manual describes operations when “International” is selected for the Country setting. When “United States” or something else other than “International” is selected for the Country setting, screen contents and the arrangement of screen items may differ from what is shown in this manual.
Attention fx-1AU GRAPH Users
Unless otherwise noted, this manual describes operations with fx-CG100 (Country setting: International). With the fx-1AU GRAPH, screen contents and the arrangement of screen items may differ.
Key Operations
Some of the keys of your calculator have multiple functions assigned to them. This manual uses the conventions below to indicate the key operations required to access each function.



Press j to enter “”.
This is the operation for using the function printed on the key top. -
After pressing sj, press the above key to enter “G”, which is shown in parentheses.
This operation is used to access the function printed in green (fx-CG100) / blue (fx-1AU GRAPH) above and to the left of the key. -
After pressing Pj, press the above key to enter the “C”, which is shown in parentheses.
This operation is used to access the function printed in orange (fx-CG100) / red (fx-1AU GRAPH) above and to the right of the key.
O Key and E Key
The O key and E key perform the same operation. In this manual, O is used for selecting or applying a setting, while E is used for executing a calculation. Note, however, that it makes no difference whether you press O or E for operations where either O or E is shown.
d/u/l/r Keys
Use these keys to move the cursor or highlighting. These keys are referred to as “cursor keys” throughout this manual.
General Precautions for All Applications
Calculations may take time.
A rotating icon is shown in the upper right corner of the screen while an internal calculation is in progress. To interrupt a calculation without waiting for it to complete, press a.
Examples of time-consuming calculations
Integral calculations (depending on and the range of )
Calculations involving matrices or vectors with a large number of elements
Solving simultaneous equations with three or more variables or higher linear equations, or cubic or higher order equations
Drawing regression graphs when there is a large amount of data (especially sinusoidal regression and logistic regression)
Calculation results may be subject to error.
For information about your calculator’s calculation accuracy and error, see Calculation Ranges, Number of Digits, and Precision.
If an error message appears, check its contents.
For the meaning of each error message, see Error Message Table.
Most functions are called from the Catalog menu.
See Catalog Menu Details for descriptions of functions and their syntax.
Calculator “Get Started” Screen
While the HOME screen is displayed, pressing S will display the “Get Started” screen, which includes the information below.
QR Code for accessing the “Get Started” webpage of the Worldwide Education Service
The Get Started webpage gives you access to the User’s Guide and other related information to help you get started with your calculator.
Calculator ID number (8-character string)
To adjust the display brightness of the QR Code
While the “Get Started” screen is displayed, use l and r to adjust the display brightness. The settings made with this adjustment are shared with the Display Settings of the System app.
To return to the HOME screen
Press b.