> Using Apps > Distribution App

Distribution App

The Distribution app can handle binomial distribution, normal distribution, Poisson distribution, and a variety of other types of probability distribution.


Distribution calculation can also be performed with the Calculate app using the functions in C > [Distribution]. For information about available functions, see Distribution: Distribution Calculations.

Operation Flow

Step 1: Select a distribution (Select tab).

  1. h > Distribution

  2. This displays the distribution selection menu.

    CY876_Distribution_Operation Flow_1
  3. Highlight the distribution you want to use for calculation and then press > (or O).

  4. You can choose from among the distributions below.

    Discrete distribution

    Binomial distribution

    Poisson distribution

    Geometric distribution

    Hypergeometric distribution

    Continuous Distribution

    Normal distribution

    Student-t distribution

    χ2 distribution

    F distribution

Step 2: Input parameters (Setup tab).

  1. Select a tail setting for probability calculation.

    1. Highlight [Tail] and then press O.

    2. From the menu that appears, select one of the options described below.

    3. CY876_Distribution_Operation Flow_2


    Calculates the cumulative probability for specified data value x or lower.


    Calculates the cumulative probability for the lower (Lower) and upper (Upper) boundaries of the data values.


    Calculates the cumulative probability for specified data value x or higher.


    Calculates the probability for given data value x (discrete distribution only).

  2. Specify whether to use a single data value or multiple data values for the calculation.

    1. Highlight [Data] and then press O.

    2. Select [Variable] to use a single data value for calculation or [List] for multiple data values.

  3. Input the other parameters.

  4. Parameters common to all distributions

    Input the parameters below according to what you specified for [Tail] (step 3) and [Data] (step 4).



    LX, XU, X=



    x: Data value

    Lower: Data value lower limit

    Upper: Data value upper limit


    List*1: List to use as data values

    L.List*1: List to use as the lower boundary of data values

    U.List*1: List to use as the upper boundary of data values

    For the operation to specify a list variable to use as data values, see To specify a list variable to use as data values.

    Distribution Type Specific Parameters

    Binomial distribution

    Numtrial: Number of trials

    p: Probability of success (0 ≤ p ≤ 1)

    Normal distribution

    DisplayZ: Displays Z-Scores*2

    μ: Population mean

    σ: Population standard deviation (σ > 0)

    Poisson distribution

    λ: Mean (λ > 0)

    Geometric distribution

    p: Probability of success (0 < p ≤ 1)

    Hypergeometric distribution

    n: Number of trials from population (0 ≤ n integer)

    M: Number of successes in population (0 ≤ M integer)

    N: Population size (n ≤ N, M ≤ N integer)

    Student-t distribution

    df: Degrees of freedom (df > 0)

    χ2 distribution

    df: Degrees of freedom (Positive integer)

    F distribution

    n:df: Degrees of freedom of numerator (Positive integer)

    d:df: Degrees of freedom of denominator (Positive integer)

    Select [On] to show Z-scores (standardized values) or [Off] to hide them. If you choose [On], calculation is performed as μ = 0 and σ = 1.


    You can specify the color of the graph by highlighting [Color] and then pressing O (only if you chose [Data] > [Variable] in step 4).

    Selecting T > [Input Descriptions] displays explanations of the parameters.

Step 3: Display the calculation results (Results tab).

  1. On the Setup tab, press >, or highlight Buttom_Execute and then press O.

  2. Calculation results are displayed on the Results tab.

    CY875_Distribution_Operation Flow_3

    Single Data Value Calculation

    (When [Data] > [Variable] selected.)

    CY876_Distribution_Operation Flow_4

    Multiple Data Value Calculation

    (When [Data] > [List] selected.)

To specify a list variable to use as data values

When [Data] > [List] is selected on the Setup tab, use the following operation to specify the list variable to use as data values. The operations in steps 2 through 5 below are not necessary if you use a list variable that has already been saved.

  1. On the Setup tab, highlight [List], [L.List], or [U.List] and then press O.

  2. On the menu that appears, highlight [List Editor] and then press O.

  3. This displays List Editor.

  4. Input data values in any one of the lists (List 1 through List 26).

  5. For information about the input operation, see Inputting Data in List Editor.

  6. After you finish inputting the data, press b.

  7. Press O.

  8. On the menu that appears, highlight [Select List] and then press O.

  9. Use the dialog that appears to input a list number and then press O.

Using the Results Tab

To change data values and recalculate probability values (Only when [Data] > [Variable] is selected.)

Highlight the value of x, Lower, or Upper and then use the number keys or select T > [Edit/View Value] to change the value.

P (X ≤ x ) = p

P ( Lower ≤ X ≤ Upper ) = p

P (X ≥ x ) = p

P (X = x ) = p*

Discrete distribution only

CY875_Distribution_Using Results_Tab_1

To change the probability value and calculate inverse data values (Only when [Data] > [Variable] is selected.)

Highlight the p-value and then use the number keys or select T > [Edit/View Value] to change the value.

P (X ≤ x) = p

P (Lower ≤ X ≤ Upper) = p*

P (X ≥ x) = p

Normal distribution only

CY875_Distribution_Using Results_Tab_2


The inverse operation cannot be performed with [Tail] > [X=] for discrete distribution.

To change the Tail setting

From the menu that appears when you select T > [Tail], select the option you want. For information about available options, see step 3 under Operation Flow.

Other Operations

To do this:

Select this menu item:

Check the value set for the display range of the graph window (Data: Only when Variable is selected.)

T > [View Window]*1

Adjust the background image (Data: Only when Variable is selected.)

T > [Fade I/O]*2

Save all p-values of the calculation result to the specified list variable (Only when Data: List is selected.)

T > [Save Probabilities in List]

You can use the menu that appears when you select T > [View Window] to check setting values only. If you change the values, the changes are not reflected in the graph window.

For details, see Adjusting the Graph Window Background Image (Fade I/O).

Precision and Input Ranges

Note that in the below conditions, calculations are performed as =9.99×1099, -∞=-9.99×1099.

Discrete distributions, when XU is selected

Continuous distributions, when LX or XU is selected

The result of an inverse calculation of a discrete distribution is an integer. Precision is reduced if the cumulative probability p you input has 10 or more digits.

The following conditions cause an error (Out of Domain).

Binomial distribution, when you input a value of 100,000 or greater for Numtrial

Binomial distribution, when you input a value for p within the range of 0 < p ≤ 0.00001 or 0.99999 ≤ p < 1

Normal distribution, when you input a value of 1×1010 or greater or 1×10-10 or less for μ

Normal distribution, when you input a value of 1×1010 or greater for σ

Poisson distribution, when you input a value of 1,000 or greater for λ

Geometric distribution, when you input a value of 0.00001 or less for p, or when p is within the range of 0.99999 ≤ p < 1

Hypergeometric distribution, when you input a value of 201 or greater for n

Hypergeometric distribution, when you input a value of 100,000 or greater for M or N

χ2 distribution, when you input a value of 1×1016 or greater for df

F distribution, when you input a value of 2,000,001 or greater for ‎n‎:‎df‎ or ‎d‎:‎df