> Using Apps > Memory App

Memory App

Your calculator has two data storage areas named Main Memory and Storage Memory. You can use the Memory app to manage these two memory areas.


Main Memory:

This area is used for storage of input data, variables, and configuration data for apps such as Statistics and Graph&Table.

Storage Memory:

This area is used to store relatively large-volume data such as image files and py files. This area can also be used to create backup files of Main Memory data.


When you select h > Memory to start up the Memory app, the Main Memory tab contents appear first. You can use < and > to navigate between the Main Memory tab and the Storage Memory tab.


Using the Main Memory Tab

Data Displayed on the Main Memory Tab

The Main Memory tab shows calculator data using the names shown below.

Data Name



Alpha variables


Conic Graphs app data

g4m DIST

Distribution app data


Dyna Graph app data


Equation app data


Financial app data


List variable group

g4m LIST n

List variables (n = 1 to 26 and ANS)


List files (n = 1 to 6)

folder MAT_VCT

Matrix and vector variable group

g4m MAT n

Matrix variables (n = A to Z and ANS)

g4m VCT n

Vector variables (n = A to Z and ANS)

g4m NUMINEQ (fx-CG100 only)

Num Ineq app data


Recursion app data


Settings data and other setup data

g4m STAT

Statistics app data


Operating system and shared app data (clipboard, calculation history, etc.)

folder S-SHEET

Spreadsheet app group


Spreadsheet app setting data


Spreadsheet app data (“SHEET” is the initial default spreadsheet file name.)

g4m Each spreadsheet name

Spreadsheet app data


Graph&Table app table data

g4m Y=DATA

Function variables

folder 3DGRAPH

3D Graph app group


3D Graph app data

folder DBASE

Database app group

g4m Periodic

Database app periodic table data

g4m Adopted, Atomic, Electoro, Physico, Univers, User

Database app fundamental physical constants data

folder GEOM

Geometry app group

g4m @IMAGE

Geometry app current data

g4m Each geometry file name

Geometry app data

folder PROBSIM

Prob Sim app group


Prob Sim app data

Main Memory Tab Operations

To create a backup file of all data

Use the procedure below to store a backup file of all Main Memory data in Storage Memory. The name of the file is always “BACKUP.g4m” and cannot be changed. If you want to create a save destination folder, go to the Storage Memory tab and create the folder in advance.

  1. Select T > [Backup] > [Save Backup Data].

  2. This displays a dialog you can use to select a folder to save the data.

  3. Use the operation below to select the save destination folder.

  4. To select this folder:

    Perform this operation:

    Root directory

    Highlight ROOT and then press O.

    Other folders

    1. Highlight the folder you want to select and then press O. This will take you into the selected folder.

    2. Highlight the folder’s name and then press O again.

To restore all data from a backup file

You can use the procedure below to restore all data in Main Memory from a backup file stored in Storage Memory.

  1. Select T > [Backup] > [Load Backup Data].

  2. This displays a dialog for selecting the folder where the backup file is stored.

  3. Use the operation below to select the folder where the backup file is stored.

  4. To select this folder:

    Perform this operation:

    Root directory

    Highlight ROOT and then press O.*

    Other folders

    1. Highlight the folder you want to select and then press O. This will take you into the selected folder.

    2. Highlight the folder’s name and then press O again.*

    This displays a confirmation message asking if you want to overwrite existing data.

  5. Select [OK] to overwrite all existing data in Main Memory with the contents of the backup file, or [Cancel] to cancel the operation.

If the selected folder does not contain a backup file, the message “No Data” will appear.

To save specific data or groups as a single file in Storage Memory

  1. Highlight the data or group you wish to save to a file.

  2. Select T > [Save As].

  3. This displays a dialog you can use to select a folder to save the data.

  4. Use the operation below to select the save destination folder.

  5. To select this folder:

    Perform this operation:

    Root directory

    Highlight ROOT and then press O.

    Other folders

    1. Highlight the folder you want to select and then press O. This will take you into the selected folder.

    2. Highlight the folder’s name and then press O again.

  6. Use the dialog that appears to input up to eight characters for the file name and then press O.

  7. The file name extension of the saved file is .g4m.

    Saved files can be loaded into Main Memory using the operations on the Storage Memory tab. See To load a g4m file into Main Memory.

To delete specific data or groups

  1. Highlight the data or group you want to delete.

  2. Select T > [Delete].

  3. This causes a delete confirmation message to appear.

  4. To delete, select [OK]. To cancel the operation, select [Cancel].

Using the Storage Memory Tab

Files Displayed on the Storage Memory Tab

Files created with the calculator and files transferred from a computer to the calculator are displayed on the Storage Memory tab.

File Extension


g4m .g4m

File that contains Main Memory data.

g4p .g4p*1

File that contains a screen image captured with the calculator.*2

g4p .bmp

Bitmap format image file.

g4p .g3p*1

File that contains a screen image captured with an earlier Color Graph scientific calculator.

py .py

Python script file (py file)

csv .csv

CSV files

py Other file name extensions

These files are not supported by this calculator, but you can use this calculator to delete them.

Files of these formats can be used as background images of graph windows.

The Geometry app data with background image is also saved as a g4p file. For more information, see Displaying a Geometry App Screen Background Image.


Folders are indicated by the icon folder on the Storage Memory tab.

If the name of a file transferred to Storage Memory from your computer has a file name that is more than eight characters long, its name will be abbreviated to eight characters when displayed on the Storage Memory tab (Example: AAAABBBBCC.py > AAAABB~1.py). Also, if a file name extension has more than three characters, everything after the third character of the file name extension will be trimmed off.

Up to 200 files per folder can be displayed on the Storage Memory tab. If a folder has more than 200 files and you need to display them all, divide them among multiple folders so the total number of files in a single folder is not greater than 200.

Though you can create folders on your computer nested to more than three levels in Storage Memory, this calculator will display only up to the third level.

The following are single-byte characters that can be used in file names and folder names.
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, !, #, $, %, ,(comma), (, ), +, –, ., ;, =, @, [, ], ^, _, `, space
Note that file names and extensions are not case-sensitive.

Storage Memory Tab Operations

To load a g4m file into Main Memory

You can use the operation below to load g4m files* into Main Memory.

Backup files created with Main Memory tab operations or individually saved files with Main Memory tab operations.


If duplicates of the data items below are found in step 2 of the procedure below, a confirmation message will appear asking if you want to overwrite the existing data.

DYNA MEM, LIST n, LISTFILE n, MAT n, VCT n, Spreadsheet app data, data in the DBASE group, data in the GEOM group

The data items below are always overwritten without displaying a confirmation message.


For details about data contents, see Data Displayed on the Main Memory Tab.

  1. Highlight the g4m file you want to load into Main Memory.

  2. Select T > [Load].

  3. This starts the load operation. During loading, a confirmation message like the one on the right may appear. For more information, see “Important!” above. To overwrite, select [OK]. To cancel the operation, select [Cancel].

    The message Complete!‎ appears on the display when the load operation is complete.

    CY875_V2_Memory_Storage Mem Tab Ope_1


In the cases described below, the load operation does not start when you select T > [Load] in step 2.

When battery power is low (Low Battery error)

When there is not enough free space in Main Memory (Memory Full error)

When there are too many data items in Main Memory (Too Much Data error)

When a file that is not a g4m file is selected (Invalid Type error)

To create a folder

  1. Display the location (in the root directory or folder) where you want to create a folder.

  2. You can nest folders up to three levels.

  3. Select T > [Folder] > [Make Folder].

  4. Use the dialog that appears to input up to eight characters for the folder name and then press O.

To rename a folder

  1. Highlight the folder you want to rename.

  2. Select T > [Folder] > [Rename Folder].

  3. Use the dialog that appears to input up to eight characters for the folder name and then press O.

To view detailed information about a file

  1. Highlight the file whose details you want to view.

  2. Select T > [Detail].

  3. This displays the detailed information screen.

    With a g4p or g3p file, you can preview images by pressing r.

    Pressing u or d while a detailed information screen (or image preview screen) is displayed will scroll either up or down to the detailed information screen (or image preview screen) of the next file in the sequence that the files are listed on the Storage Memory tab.

To delete a file or folder

  1. Highlight the file or folder you want to delete.

  2. Select T > [Delete].

  3. This causes a delete confirmation message to appear.

  4. To delete, select [OK]. To cancel the operation, select [Cancel].