(2nd edition / S-V.P.A.M.)
Before Using the Calculator
Calculation Modes and Calculator Setup
Basic Calculations
- ▶Inputting Expression and Values
- ▶Arithmetic Calculations
- ▶Fraction Calculations
- ▶Percent Calculations
- ▶Degree, Minute, Second (Sexagesimal) Calculations
- ▶Multi-Statements
- ▶Using Engineering Notation
- ▶Using Engineering Symbols
- ▶Calculation History and Replay
- ▶Using Memory Functions
Function Calculations
- ▶Pi (π), Natural Logarithm Base e
- ▶Trigonometric Functions, Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- ▶Hyperbolic Functions, Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
- ▶Angle Unit Conversion
- ▶Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions
- ▶Power Functions and Power Root Functions
- ▶Integration Calculations
- ▶Differential Calculations
- ▶Rectangular-Polar Coordinate Conversion
- ▶Factorial (!)
- ▶Random Number (Ran#)
- ▶Permutation (nPr) and Combination (nCr)
- ▶Rounding function (Rnd)
- ▶Using CALC
- ▶Using SOLVE
- ▶Scientific Constants (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
- ▶Metric Conversion (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
Using Calculation Modes
- ▶Complex Number Calculations (CMPLX)
- ▶Statistical Calculations (SD, REG)
- ▶Base-n Calculations (BASE)
- ▶Equation Calculations (EQN)
- ▶Matrix Calculations (MAT) (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
- ▶Vector Calculations (VCT) (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
Technical Information
Matrix Calculations (MAT) (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
Matrix Answer Memory
Whenever the result of a calculation executed in the MAT Mode is a matrix, the MatAns screen will appear with the result. The result also will be assigned to a variable named "MatAns".
The MatAns variable can be used in calculations as described below.
To insert the MatAns variable into a calculation, perform the following key operation: (MAT)
Pressing any one of the following keys while the MatAns screen is displayed will switch automatically to the calculation screen: ,
(x3). The calculation screen will show the MatAns variable followed by the operator or function for the key you pressed.