(2nd edition / S-V.P.A.M.)
Before Using the Calculator
Calculation Modes and Calculator Setup
Basic Calculations
- ▶Inputting Expression and Values
- ▶Arithmetic Calculations
- ▶Fraction Calculations
- ▶Percent Calculations
- ▶Degree, Minute, Second (Sexagesimal) Calculations
- ▶Multi-Statements
- ▶Using Engineering Notation
- ▶Using Engineering Symbols
- ▶Calculation History and Replay
- ▶Using Memory Functions
Function Calculations
- ▶Pi (π), Natural Logarithm Base e
- ▶Trigonometric Functions, Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- ▶Hyperbolic Functions, Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
- ▶Angle Unit Conversion
- ▶Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions
- ▶Power Functions and Power Root Functions
- ▶Integration Calculations
- ▶Differential Calculations
- ▶Rectangular-Polar Coordinate Conversion
- ▶Factorial (!)
- ▶Random Number (Ran#)
- ▶Permutation (nPr) and Combination (nCr)
- ▶Rounding function (Rnd)
- ▶Using CALC
- ▶Using SOLVE
- ▶Scientific Constants (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
- ▶Metric Conversion (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
Using Calculation Modes
- ▶Complex Number Calculations (CMPLX)
- ▶Statistical Calculations (SD, REG)
- ▶Base-n Calculations (BASE)
- ▶Equation Calculations (EQN)
- ▶Matrix Calculations (MAT) (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
- ▶Vector Calculations (VCT) (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
Technical Information
Using Memory Functions
Variables (A, B, C, D, E, F, M, X, Y)
Your calculator has nine preset variables named A, B, C, D, E, F, M, X, and Y. You can assign values to variables and use the variables in calculations.
To assign the result of 3 + 5 to variable A
- 3
- 8.
To multiply the contents of variable A by 10
- (Continuing)
- 80.
To recall the contents of variable A
- (Continuing)
- 8.
To clear the contents of variable A
- 0
- 0.