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User´s Guide


Scientific Constants (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)

Your calculator comes with 40 built-in scientific constants that can be used in any mode besides BASE. Each scientific constant is displayed as a unique symbol (such as π), which can be used inside of calculations.

To input a scientific constant into a calculation, press and then input the two-digit number that corresponds to the constant you want.

Example: To input the scientific constant c0 (speed of light in a vacuum), and display its value.

  • (c0)

The following shows the two-digit numbers for each of the scientific constants.

01 (mp) proton mass
02 (mn) neutron mass
03 (me) electron mass
04 (mμ) muon mass
05 (a0) Bohr radius
06 (h) Planck constant
07 (μN) nuclear magneton
08 (μB) Bohr magneton
09 () Planck constant, rationalized
10 (α) fine-structure constant
11 (re) classical electron radius
12 (λc) Compton wavelength
13 (γp) proton gyromagnetic ratio
14 (λcp) proton Compton wavelength
15 (λcn) neutron Compton wavelength
16 (R∞) Rydberg constant
17 (u) atomic mass unit
18 (μp) proton magnetic moment
19 (μe) electron magnetic moment
20 (μn) neutron magnetic moment
21 (μμ) muon magnetic moment
22 (F) Faraday constant
23 (e) elementary charge
24 (NA) Avogadro constant
25 (k) Boltzmann constant
26 (Vm) molar volume of ideal gas
27 (R) molar gas constant
28 (c0) speed of light in vacuum
29 (c1) first radiation constant
30 (c2) second radiation constant
31 (σ) Stefan-Boltzmann constant
32 (ε0) electric constant
33 (μ0) magnetic constant
34 0) magnetic flux quantum
35 (g) standard acceleration of gravity
36 (G0) conductance quantum
37 (Z0) characteristic impedance of vacuum
38 (t) Celsius temperature
39 (G) Newtonian constant of gravitation
40 (atm) standard atmosphere (SI unit: Pa)

The values are based on CODATA recommended values (2010).

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