(2nd edition / S-V.P.A.M.)
Before Using the Calculator
Calculation Modes and Calculator Setup
Basic Calculations
- ▶Inputting Expression and Values
- ▶Arithmetic Calculations
- ▶Fraction Calculations
- ▶Percent Calculations
- ▶Degree, Minute, Second (Sexagesimal) Calculations
- ▶Multi-Statements
- ▶Using Engineering Notation
- ▶Using Engineering Symbols
- ▶Calculation History and Replay
- ▶Using Memory Functions
Function Calculations
- ▶Pi (π), Natural Logarithm Base e
- ▶Trigonometric Functions, Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- ▶Hyperbolic Functions, Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
- ▶Angle Unit Conversion
- ▶Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions
- ▶Power Functions and Power Root Functions
- ▶Integration Calculations
- ▶Differential Calculations
- ▶Rectangular-Polar Coordinate Conversion
- ▶Factorial (!)
- ▶Random Number (Ran#)
- ▶Permutation (nPr) and Combination (nCr)
- ▶Rounding function (Rnd)
- ▶Using CALC
- ▶Using SOLVE
- ▶Scientific Constants (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
- ▶Metric Conversion (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
Using Calculation Modes
- ▶Complex Number Calculations (CMPLX)
- ▶Statistical Calculations (SD, REG)
- ▶Base-n Calculations (BASE)
- ▶Equation Calculations (EQN)
- ▶Matrix Calculations (MAT) (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
- ▶Vector Calculations (VCT) (fx-570MS/fx-991MS only)
Technical Information
Base-n Calculations (BASE)
Logical and Negation Operations
Your calculator provides you with logical operators (And, Or, Xor, Xnor) and functions (Not, Neg) for logical and negation operations on binary values. Use the menu that appears when you press(LOGIC) to input these logical operators and functions.
In the case of a negative binary, octal or hexadecimal value, the calculator converts the value to binary, takes the two's complement, and then converts back to the original number base. For decimal values, the calculator merely adds a minus sign.
All of the examples below are performed in the binary mode.
Example 1: To determine the logical AND of 10102 and 11002 (10102 and 11002)
(And) 1100
- 1000
Example 2: To determine the logical OR of 10112 and 110102 (10112 or 110102)
(Or) 11010
- 11011
Example 3: To determine the logical XOR of 10102 and 11002 (10102 xor 11002)
(Xor) 1100
- 110
Example 4: To determine the logical XNOR of 11112 and 1012 (11112 xnor 1012)
(Xnor) 101
- 1111110101
Example 5: To determine the bitwise complement of 10102 (Not(10102))
(Not) 1010
- 1111110101
Example 6: To negate (take the two's complement) of 1011012 (Neg(1011012))
(Neg) 101101
- 1111010011