Viewing an Album

Starting up EXILIM ALBUM will display the “RECENTLY” screen.


The “RECENTLY” screen shows the last 30 albums that were modified, listed by the dates they were modified.


Album date

Number of images in the album

Album title

Swiping the screen from right to left changes to the “ALL ALBUMS” screen.

Swiping the screen from left to right changes to the “ALL IMAGES” screen.


The “ALL ALBUMS” screen shows all albums arranged according to date (newest first).


Album title

Album date

Number of images in the album

Month, year

When scrolling, shows the month and year of the album located at the top of the displayed list.

Swiping the screen from left to right changes to the “RECENTLY” screen.


The “ALL IMAGES” screen shows all of the images stored in smartphone memory in their chronological order (newest first).


Date taken

Image menu

  • Tapping an image displays it.

Month, year

When you scroll the list, shows the date (year, month) of the image at the top of the screen.

Swiping the screen from right to left changes to the “RECENTLY” screen.