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User´s Guide


Creating a Number Table

The Table Mode generates a number table based on one or two functions. You can use the function f(x) or the two functions f(x) and g(x).

Configuring a Number Table Generation Function

Perform the following steps to generate a number table.

1. Press , select the Table Mode icon, and then press .

This displays the function input screen.

2. Use the x variable to input two functions, one in the format f(x) and the other in the format g(x).

Be sure to input the x variable ((x)) when generating a number table. Any variable other than x is handled as a constant.

If you are using a single function, input a function in the format f(x) only.

3. On the Table Range dialog box that appears, input values for Start, End, and Step.

For this: Input this:
Start Input the lower limit of x (Default = 1).
End Input the upper limit of x (Default = 5).
Step Input the increment step (Default = 1).
Note: The Step specifies by how much the Start value should be sequentially incremented as the number table is generated. If you specify Start = 1 and Step = 1, x sequentially will be assigned the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on to generate the number table until the End value is reached.

Pressing generates and displays the number table in accordance with the Table Range dialog box.

Pressing while the number table screen is displayed will return to the function input screen in step 2.

Example: To generate a number table for the functions f(x) = x2 + 12 and g(x) = x212 for the range -1 ≦ x ≦ 1, incremented in steps of 0.5

  • (x)12
  • (x)12
  • 110.5


In the number table, you can change the value in the currently highlighted x cell. Changing the x value causes the f(x) and g(x) values in the same line to be updated accordingly.

If there is value in the x cell above the currently highlighted x cell, pressing or automatically inputs into the highlighted cell the value equal to the value of the cell above it plus the step value. So also, pressing automatically inputs the value equal to the value of the cell above less the step value. The f(x) and g(x) values in the same line are also updated accordingly.


The maximum number of rows in the generated number table depends on the setup menu table setting. Up to 45 rows are supported for the “f(x)” setting, while 30 rows are supported for the “f(x),g(x)” setting.

The number table generation operation causes the contents of variable x to be changed.


Functions input in this mode are deleted whenever the Input/Output settings are changed in the Table Mode.

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