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User´s Guide


Frequently Asked Questions

■ How can I change a fraction form result produced by a division operation to decimal form?

→ While a fraction calculation result is displayed, press and then select [Decimal], or press (). To have calculation results initially appear as decimal values, change the Input/Output setting on the SETTINGS menu to MathI/DecimalO.

■ What is the difference between Ans memory and variable memory?

→ Each of these types of memory acts like "containers" for temporary storage of a single value.
Ans Memory: Stores the result of the last calculation performed. Use this memory to carry the result of one calculation on to the next.
Variables: This memory is helpful when you need to use the same value multiple times in one or more calculations.

■ How can I find a function I was using with an older CASIO calculator model on this calculator?

→ This calculator’s functions can be accessed from the CATALOG menu that appears when you press . For details, see the sections below.
"Using the CATALOG Menu"
"Advanced Calculations"

■ With an older CASIO calculator model, I pressed to change the calculation result display format. What should I do with this calculator?

→ While a calculation result is displayed, press . Use the menu that appears to select the display format you want. For details, see "Changing Calculation Result Format".

■ How can I find out which calculator app I am currently using?

→ Press . This causes the icon of the calculator app you are currently using to become highlighted.

■ How do I calculate sin2 x

→ For example, to calculate sin2 30 =  14, enter the calculation below.

  • 30

■ Why does the battery icon () appear right after the calculator is turned on?

→ The battery icon indicates that battery power is low. If you see this icon, replace the battery as soon as possible. For details about battery replacement, see "Replacing the Battery".

■ How can I return the calculator to its initial default settings?

→ Perform the procedure below to initialize calculator settings (except for Contrast and Auto Power Off).

(1) Press , select a calculator app icon, and then press .

(2) Press , and then select [Reset] > [Settings & Data] > [Yes].

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