fx-83GT CW I fx-85GT CW
Before Using the Calculator
- ▶Read This First
- ▶Initializing the Calculator
- ▶Calculator "Get Started" Screen
- ▶Precautions
- ▶Getting Started
Calculator Apps and Menus
Inputting Expressions and Values
- ▶Basic Input Rules
- ▶Inputting an Expression Using Natural Textbook Format (MathI/MathO or MathI/DecimalO Only)
- ▶Overwrite Input Mode (LineI/LineO or LineI/DecimalO Only)
Basic Calculations
- ▶Arithmetic Calculations
- ▶Fraction Calculations
- ▶Powers, Power Roots, and Reciprocals
- ▶Pi, Natural Logarithm Base e
- ▶Calculation History and Replay
- ▶Using Memory Functions
Changing Calculation Result Format
- ▶Using the FORMAT Menu
- ▶Standard and Decimal Conversion
- ▶Prime Factorization
- ▶Recurring Decimal Conversion (Recurring Decimal Calculations)
- ▶Improper Fraction and Mixed Fraction Conversion
- ▶Engineering Notation
- ▶Sexagesimal Conversion (Degree, Minute, Second Calculations)
Advanced Calculations
- ▶Function Analysis
- ▶Probability
- ▶Numeric Calculations
- ▶Angle Unit, Polar/Rectangular Coordinate, Sexagesimal
- ▶Hyperbolic, Trigonometric
- ▶Others
Registering and Using Defining Equations for f(x) and g(x)
Using QR Code Functions
Using Calculator Apps
Technical Information
- ▶Errors
- ▶Before Assuming Malfunction of the Calculator...
- ▶Replacing the Battery
- ▶Calculation Priority Sequence
- ▶Calculation Ranges, Number of Digits, and Precision
- ▶Specifications
Frequently Asked Questions
Using Memory Functions
Answer Memory (Ans)
The last calculation result obtained is stored in Ans (answer) memory.
Using Ans Memory to Perform a Series of Calculations
Example: To divide the result of 3 × 4 by 30
- 3
- (Continuing)
Inputting Ans Memory Contents into an Expression
Example: To perform the calculations shown below:

- 123
- (Continuing) 789
Variables (A, B, C, D, E, F, x, y, z)
You can store values to variables and use the variables in calculations.
Variable List Screen
Pressing displays a screen that shows the values currently stored to variables A, B, C, D, E, F, x, y, and z. On this screen, values are always displayed using the "Norm 1" Number Format. To close the screen, press
Example 1: To store the result of 3 + 5 to variable A
1. Execute the calculation.
- 3
2. Press , and then select [A=] > [Store].
This stores the result of 3 + 5 (which is 8) to variable A.
3. Press .
Example 2: To change the contents of variable A to 1
1. Press , and then highlight [A=].
2. Press .
This displays the editing screen with 1 entered.
3. Press .
In place of the operation in step 2 above, you can press and then select [Edit]. This displays the editing screen with nothing input. Input the value you want and then press
If a lock () icon appears when you highlight a variable on the variable list screen, it means the highlighted variable cannot be edited.
Example 3: To recall the contents of variable A
(Continuing from step 2 of Example 1)
1. Press , and then select [A=] > [Recall].
This inputs "A".
2. Press .
This recalls the value of variable A.
Example 4: To multiply the contents of variable A by 10
(Continuing from step 2 of Example 1)
* Input a variable as shown here: press and then press the key that corresponds to the desired variable name. To input x as the variable name, you can press
(x) or
Clearing the Contents of All Memories
Ans memory and variable contents are retained even if you press , change the calculator app, or turn off the calculator.
Perform the procedure below when you want to clear the contents of all memories.
1. Press , select a calculator app icon, and then press
2. Press , and then select [Reset] > [Variable Memory] > [Yes].