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User´s Guide


Ratio Calculations

The Ratio app lets you determine the value of X in the ratio expression A : B = X : D (or A : B = C : X) when the values of A, B, C and D are known.

General Procedure for Performing a Ratio Calculation

Example 1: To solve 3 : 8 = X : 12 for X

1. Press , select the Ratio app icon, and then press .

2. On the menu that appears, select [A:B=X:D] or [A:B=C:X].

Here we want to solve 3 : 8 = X : 12 for X, select [A:B=X:D], and then press .

3. On the Coefficient Editor that appears, input coefficient values.

Here we input the following for the coefficients: A = 3, B = 8, D = 12.

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4. After all the values are the way you want, press .

This displays the solution (value of X).

Press , , or to return to the Coefficient Editor.


A Math ERROR will occur if you perform a calculation while 0 is input for a coefficient.

Performing the steps below resets all Coefficient Editor coefficients to 1.

- While the Coefficient Editor is displayed, press , , , or .

- While a solution is displayed, press or .

You can store the currently displayed calculation result to a variable. For example, performing the following operation while the screen in step 4 is displayed above will store the calculation result to variable A: – [A=] > [Store]. For details about variables, see "Variables (A, B, C, D, E, F, x, y, z)".

To change the ratio expression type

1. While the Coefficient Editor is displayed, press .

2. On the menu that appears, select the ratio expression type you want.

Calculation Example

Example 2: To calculate X in the ratio 1 : 2 = X : 10

  • – [Ratio] > [A:B=X:D]
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