Module No. 3516

Charging Time Guidelines

Charging the watch daily for the approximate times shown below should maintain a charge of 3516_icon_inl_LOW or higher.


Actual charging time depends on the charging environment, watch settings, and other factors.

Charging with the Charging Cable

Charge Recovery Times

Blank display arrowR HIGH (Full charge)

Approx. 3.2 hours *

CHG arrowR LOW

Approx. 12 minutes

LOW arrowR Level 1

Approx. 20 minutes

Level 1 arrowR HIGH (Full charge)

Approx. 2.9 hours

Approx. 6 hours when ambient temperature is 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F)

Solar Charging

Time required to maintain the current time display by solar charging even when the battery level is “LOW”

Light Level (Lux)

Approximate Charging Time

50,000 lux
(Sunny day outdoors, etc.)

9 minutes

10,000 lux
(Sunny day near a window, etc.)

42 minutes

5,000 lux
(Overcast day near a window, etc.)

83 minutes

500 lux
(Indoor fluorescent lighting, etc.)

14 hours


Charging is performed even with exposure to indoor fluorescent lighting (500 lux). The watch will be able to maintain a charge of 3516_icon_inl_LOW or higher if it is exposed to indoor fluorescent lighting for eight hours a day, in addition to light near a window on a sunny day (10,000 lux) for two hours a week.

