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User´s Guide


Rectangular-Polar Coordinate Conversion

Pol converts rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates, while Rec converts polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates.

(1) Rectangular Coordinates (Rec)
(2) Polar Coordinates (Pol)

Specify the angle unit before performing calculations.

Calculation result θ is displayed in the range of -180° < θ ≦ 180°.

Calculation results are automatically assigned to variables E and F.

Example 1: To convert polar coordinates (r = 2, θ = 60°) to rectangular coordinates (x, y) (Angle unit: Deg)

  • x = 1

    (Rec() 260
  • 1.
  • y = 1.732050808

  • 1.732050808

Press (E) to display the value of x, or (F) to display the value of y.

Example 2: To convert rectangular coordinates (1, √3) to polar coordinates (r, θ) (Angle unit: Rad)

  • r = 2

  • 2.
  • θ = 1.047197551

  • 1.047197551

Press (E) to display the value of r, or (F) to display the value of θ.

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