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User´s Guide


Getting Started

Removing the Hard Case

Before using the calculator, slide its hard case downwards to remove it, and then affix the hard case to the back of the calculator as shown in the illustration below.

Turning Power On and Off

Press to turn on the calculator.

Press (OFF) to turn off the calculator.


The calculator also will turn off automatically after approximately 10 minutes of non-use. Press the key to turn the calculator back on.

Adjusting Display Contrast

1. Press .

This displays the display setup screen.

2. Press .

3. Use and to adjust display contrast.

4. After the setting is the way you want, press .


If adjusting display contrast does not improve display readability, it probably means that battery power is low. Replace the battery.

Key Markings

Pressing the or key followed by a second key performs the alternate function of the second key. The alternate function is indicated by the text printed above the key.

(1) Keycap function (2) Alternate function

The following shows what the different colors of the alternate function key text mean.

If key marking text is this color: It means this:
Yellow Press and then the key to access the applicable function.
Red Press and then the key to input the applicable variable, constant, function, or symbol.
Blue (or enclosed in blue brackets) Enter the SD Mode and REG Mode to access the function.

The following shows an example of how an alternate function operation is represented in this manual.
Example: (sin-1)* 1 * Indicates the function that is accessed by the key operation () before it. Note that this is not part of the actual key operation you perform.

The following shows an example of how a key operation to select an on-screen menu item is represented in this manual.
Example: (COMP)* * Indicates the menu item that is selected by the number key operation () before it. Note that this is not part of the actual key operation you perform.

The cursor key is marked with four arrows, indicating direction, as shown in the illustration nearby. In this manual, cursor key operation is indicated as , , , and .

Reading the Display

The two-line display makes it possible to view both the calculation formula and its result at the same time.

(1) Calculation formula
(2) Calculation result
(3) Indicators

The table below describes some of the typical indicators that appear at the top of the screen (3).

This indicator: Means this:
The keypad has been shifted by pressing the key. The keypad will unshift and this indicator will disappear when you press a key.
The alpha input mode has been entered by pressing the key. The alpha input mode will be exited and this indicator will disappear when you press a key.
// Indicates the current setting of Angle Unit (: Degree, : Radian, or : Gradian) on the setup menu.
FIX A fixed number of decimal places is in effect.
SCI A fixed number of significant digits is in effect.
M There is a value stored in independent memory.
STO The calculator is standing by for input of a variable name to assign a value to the variable. This indicator appears after you press (STO).
RCL The calculator is standing by for input of a variable name to recall the variable's value. This indicator appears after you press .
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