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User´s Guide


Complex Number Calculations (CMPLX)

To perform complex number calculations, first press (CMPLX) to enter the CMPLX Mode.

You can use either rectangular coordinates (a+bi) or polar coordinates (rθ) to input complex numbers.
Complex number calculation results are displayed in accordance with the complex number format setting on the setup menu.

Example 1: (2 + 6i) ÷ (2i) = 3 - i  (Complex number format: a+bi)

  • 26(i)2(i)
  • 3-i

Example 2:2∠45 = 1 + i  (MthIO-LineO) (Angle unit: Deg)

(Complex number format: a+bi)

  • 2(∠) 45
  • 1+i

Example 3:2 + √2i = 2∠45  (MthIO-LineO) (Angle unit: Deg)

(Complex number format: rθ)

  • 22(i)
  • 2∠45


If you are planning to perform input and display of the calculation result in polar coordinate format, specify the angle unit before starting the calculation.

The θ value of the calculation result is displayed in the range of -180° < θ ≦ 180°.

Display of the calculation result while Linear Display is selected will show a and bi (or r and θ) on separate lines.

CMPLX Mode Calculation Examples

Example 1: (1 - i)-1 = 12 + 12i  (MthIO-LineO) (Complex number format: a+bi)

  • 1(i)
  • 12+12i

Example 2: (1 + i)4 + (1 - i)2 = -4 - 2i  (MthIO-LineO)

  • 1(i)41(i)
  • -4-2i

Example 3: To obtain the conjugate complex number of 2 + 3i

(Complex number format: a+bi)

  • (CMPLX)(Conjg) 23(i)
  • 2-3i

Example 4: To obtain the absolute value and argument of 1 + i  (MthIO-LineO) (Angle unit: Deg)

Absolute Value (Abs):

  • 1(i)
  • 1.414213562

Argument (arg):

  • (CMPLX)(arg) 1(i)
  • 45

Using a Command to Specify the Calculation Result Format

Either of two special commands (rθ or a+bi) can be input at the end of a calculation to specify the display format of the calculation results.
The command overrides the calculator's complex number format setting.

Example:2 + √2i = 2∠45, √2∠45 = 1 + i  (MthIO-LineO) (Angle unit: Deg)

  • 22(i)(CMPLX)(rθ)
  • 2∠45
  • 2(∠) 45(CMPLX)(a+bi)
  • 1+i
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