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User´s Guide


Metric Conversion

The calculator's built-in metric conversion commands make it simple to convert values from one unit to another. You can use the metric conversion commands in any calculation mode except for BASE-N.
To input a metric conversion command into a calculation, press (CONV) and then input the two-digit number that corresponds to the command you want.

Example 1: To convert 5 cm into inches  (LineIO)

  • 5(CONV)
  • (cmin)

Example 2: To convert 100 g into ounces  (LineIO)

  • 100(CONV)(goz)

Example 3: To convert -31°C into Fahrenheit  (LineIO)

  • 31(CONV)(°C°F)

The following shows the two-digit numbers for each of the metric conversion commands.

01: incm 02: cmin 03: ftm 04: mft
05: ydm 06: myd 07: milekm 08: kmmile
09: n milem 10: mn mile 11: acrem2 12: m2acre
13: gal (US) 14: ℓgal (US) 15: gal (UK) 16: ℓgal (UK)
17: pckm 18: kmpc 19: km/hm/s 20: m/skm/h
21: ozg 22: goz 23: lbkg 24: kglb
25: atmPa 26: Paatm 27: mmHgPa 28: PammHg
29: hpkW 30: kWhp 31: kgf/cm2Pa 32: Pakgf/cm2
33: kgf • mJ 34: Jkgf • m 35: lbf/in2kPa 36: kPalbf/in2
37: °F°C 38: °C°F 39: Jcal 40: calJ

Conversion formula data is based on the "NIST Special Publication 811 (2008)".


The Jcal command performs conversion for values at a temperature of 15°C.

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