Module No. 3521

Checking the Tide Level and Moon Age for a Specific Date and Time

You can use the procedures in this section to look up the tide level (Tide Graph) and Moon age for a date or time you specify.

  1. Enter the Tide Graph/Moon Graph Mode.

  2. Entering the Tide Graph/Moon Graph Mode displays a Tide Search or Moon Search screen.

  3. Press (A) to toggle between Tide Search and Moon Search.

  4. 3521_28_fl_TideMoon

    The initial setting of Tide Search is 6:00 a.m.

To check the Tide Graph at the top of each hour of the current day

  1. Enter the Tide Graph/Moon Graph Mode.

  2. Press (A) to display the Tide Search screen.

  3. Use (D) to select the time whose Tide Graph you want to view.

  4. Each press of (D) advances the time by one hour.

    Holding down (D) scrolls through settings at high speed.


To scroll the day and check information

  1. Enter the Tide Graph/Moon Graph Mode.

  2. Press (A) to display the Moon Search screen.

  3. Use (D) to select the day whose Moon age you want to view.

  4. Each press of (D) advances by one day.

    Holding down (D) scrolls through settings at high speed.

  5. Press (A) to display the Tide Search screen.

  6. Use (D) to select the time whose Tide Graph you want to view.

  7. Each press of (D) advances the time by one hour.

    Holding down (D) scrolls through settings at high speed.



The watch automatically returns to the Timekeeping Mode from the Tide Graph/Moon Graph Mode after two or three minutes of non-operation.

