App in general

What is the duration and pattern of sound/vibration for notifications (phone call, email, social media, etc.) from the smartphone? 
 ● Incoming call
[BEEP+VIBE]  ... Beep while call is incoming (20 seconds maximum), → vibration 
           (Beep → Vibration) x 20 maximum
[BEEP] ...during an incoming call (20 seconds maximum)
[VIBE] ...during an incoming call (20 seconds maximum)
● Sound and vibration stop after 20 seconds, but notification continues to be displayed on the watch screen during an incoming call. 
● Non-phone incoming notifications (email, social media, etc.)
[BEEP+VIBE] ... Beep → Vibration for one second. 
           (Beep → Vibration) x 1
BEEP] ... 1 second
[VIBE] ... 1 second

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