
CASIO WATCH+ Ver 1.0 Setup GuideSTB-1000 × iPhone

* An iOS 7.0.4 iPhone is used for explanations in this guide.


Auto Re-connect

A flashing Bluetooth icon on the watch display indicates that it is in the process of automatically re-connecting with the iPhone.
In the cases described below, the watch will attempt to re-connect automatically every minute for one hour only. Attempts to re-connect will stop after that.

1.Auto connect following Link Loss

Connection is re-established automatically within about one minute if you move the watch closer to the iPhone after Link Loss (momentary loss of communication between the watch and phone).

  • Link loss
    in progress

  • connection

2.Auto connect following recovery from Power Saving

If the watch is not moved for more than about two hours while it is linked with the iPhone, it will enter a Power Saving state (indicated by a flashing PS indicator). Moving the watch again while the iPhone is nearby will re-establish the connection between them within about one minute. Note that connection will not be re-established automatically if the PS indicator is not flashing on the watch display.

  • Re-connect
    in progress

  • connection

Manual Reconnect

If there is no Bluetooth icon on the watch display, it means the link between it and the iPhone is broken.
If this happens, move the watch close to the phone and then perform one of the operations below to re-connect.

To reconnect - 1

Hold down the watch's front button for about two seconds.
Perform "To reconnect - 1" in the following cases.
  • After changing the phone's Airplane Mode setting
  • After turning the phone‘s Bluetooth setting on or off
To reconnect - 2
Tap the [CASIO WATCH+] icon to re-start the app.

Hold down the watch's front button for about two seconds.
Perform "To reconnect - 2" in the following cases.
  • After turning the phone off and then back on again.
  • If you cannot re-connect.

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