
Can multiple movies be merged into a single movie?
Yes. When using "Movie Merge" on the PLAY MENU tab, the total play time of the merged movies must be less than 10 minutes, and the movies must be of the same quality and frame rate.

• Merging of two High Speed Movies is not supported.
• In the case of FHD or HD quality movies, some movies may not be able to be merged because of differences in frame rates due to the recording mode, or the ART SHOT or Time Lapse scene used.
  Example 1: Time Lapse movie* and normal movie
  * Time Lapse movies can be merged with each other.
  Example 2: Movies recorded using different Art Shot scenes (Toy Camera and Miniature, etc.)
• The original movies are not affected when merged. Make sure the memory card you are using has sufficient unused space before using this function.
• Depending on the movies, the merge operation may take some time to complete.
• After merging two movies, the resulting movie can be used in another merge operation.
• A movie cannot be merged with itself.

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