


Supported Phones

Wear OS by Google works with phones running the latest version of Android (excluding Go edition and phones without Google Play Store) or iOS. Supported features may vary between platforms and countries with compatibility subject to change.


Android™ 8.0+ or higher (excluding Go edition)

  • * Confirm that the smartphone is Bluetooth® capable.
  • * Confirm that your smartphone supports installation of Wear OS by Google on Google Play.
  • * Download the Wear OS by Google app on Google Play from the country where the watch was purchased. Wear OS by Google may not function properly if downloaded from a source other than Google Play.

One of the following models with iOS 13.0+ or higher

  • * Limited functionality when connected to iOS device.
  • * Wi-Fi environment required for iOS connection.


You cannot use a GSW-H1000 inside of China if it was purchased outside of China.

Is your smartphone Wear OS by Google compatible?

You can see if your Android phone or iPhone is compatible with Wear OS by Google by visiting