Graphic Scientific calculators
- Q1
- Logarithm of a number to an arbitrary base
- Q2
- Why do I keep getting an error message when I try to perform arithmetic or trigonometric calculations?
- Q3
- When I try to graph a trigonometric function like Y=sin(X), the graph on my calculator appears as a straight line. What do I need to do to produce the graph of a sine wave?
- Q4
- Is there anything I need to keep in mind when performing calculations that involve trigonometric functions or angles?
- Q5
- The calculator shows the results as a fraction. How can I change it to display a decimal answer?
- Q6
- Is it possible to accomplish time calculations with my calculator?
- Q7
- How does the [MENU] key work?
- Q8
- Why aren't exponents/powers being calculated properly when I use the [EXP] or [×10^x] key?
- Q9
- Is there anything I need to keep in mind when performing a calculation?
- Q10
- Is there anything I need to remember when performing BASE-N and logical operations?
- Q11
- In the graphic scientific calculator menu, what does the eActivity icon do?
- Q12
- When I type in radical -1, I get an error.
- Q13
- In the graph scientific calculator, can you draw the expression of any type?
- Q14
- Can I update the Manager software for Graphic Scientific calculators to the latest version?
- Q15
- Can I transfer the data between two Graphic Scientific calculators?
- Q16
- Can I connect the Graphic Scientific calculator to my PC?
- Q17
- Can I update the operating system of my Graphic Scientific calculator to the latest version?
- Q1
- Does a USB cable come with the fx-CG Series to connect it to the computer?
- Q2
- How is the fx-CG Series different from a conventional graphing calculator?
- Q3
- How do I change the default menu settings of the fx-CG Series Calculator? For example, change the calculator from radian mode to degree mode?
- Q4
- I accidentally erased my Add-in icons (Geometry, Picture Plot, and Conversion) . How do I get those back on my calculator?
- Q5
- What kind of image file can be used?
- Q6
- Can the fx-CG Series simplify equations such as 3a+5 + 4a -8 to 7a-3?
- Q7
- When the fx-CG Series is connected to a computer will it display like my calculator?
- Q8
- Can I change the color of the points in my scatter plot?
- Q9
- Can I display more than one statistical graph at a time?
- Q10
- The table I created only produces five coordinate pairs; how do I set it to show more?
- Q11
- How do I conditionally format the cells in the Spreadsheet mode?
- Q12
- I am currently using fx-CG Manager PLUS Subscription for fx-CG10/20/20CN.After installing fx-CG Manager PLUS Subscription for fx-CG50 / GRAPH90+ E, will I be unable to use fx-CG Manager PLUS Subscription for fx-CG10/20/20CN?
- Q13
- When I select an equation in Conic Graphs, I noticed the modify option; what does that do?
fx-CG Series
fx-CG50 series, fx-CG10/20 series