Watches in general (except training)

Why isn’t Nightly Recharge displayed (acquired)?
Nightly Recharge data is acquired when the conditions below have been satisfied. 
● Nightly Recharge Data Acquisition Conditions
Nightly Recharge data is acquired when there have been two days of sleep measurement data within the past 28 days, plus measurement data for the night prior to acquisition. 
At least three days of sleep measurement data are required. 
● For example, to obtain "Nightly Recharge" for 4/30, you need to have sleep measurement data for the night of 4/29 (the night before 4/30), plus sleep measurement data for any two days from 4/3 to 4/28.
● Sleep Measurement Data Acquisition Conditions
・The watch worn the same way as you do during activity measurement. 
・User-specified nighttime, bedtime, and rise time settings. 
・Sleep (from bedtime to wake up) of at least 4 hours. 
・Heart rate measurement turned on while sleeping. 
・Normal movement. Constantly moving or barely moving can make accurate data acquisition impossible. 
・Keeping the watch on your wrist. Wearing the watch only while sleeping and taking it off immediately after waking can make accurate data acquisition impossible. 
● To improve sleep analysis accuracy, it takes about one to two hours after you wake up for sleep measurement results to be displayed by the watch. 
● Sleep measurement is based on body movements measured by the accelerometer and RRI (R-R interval) obtained from the heart rate sensor. 
 Accurate RRI (R-R interval) is not possible if the watch shifts on your wrist while you are sleeping, or if the sleeve of your clothing gets between the heart rate sensor and your wrist. 
 The main reason why sleep measurement results are not output is usually due to problems with how the watch is worn. If you wish to use the watch during sleep, try wearing it in the same way as you do while performing activity measurement.

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