fx-ESPLUS Series / fx-ES Series

Is it possible to accomplish calculations of complex numbers specially in polar form with scientific calculators?
Yes. The arithmetic operations on complex numbers can be easily managed using the Calculators.

These  kinds of calculations, which are used often in physical and technical fields, are explained here as a supplement to the calculator manual.

The complex numbers can be represented in two different forms:
Rectangular or Cartesian form: z = x+iy (In some notation j may be used instead of i.)
Polar or Phasor form: z = r∠θ or z = |z|e^θi. (In some notations φ may be used instead of θ.)

Example 1: Convert the complex number (z = -4+3i) into polar form.
1. In the COMPLEX Mode, set the angle unit to Degree (Deg).
[SHIFT] [MODE] [3](Deg)
[SHIFT] [MODE] [Down][3](CMPLX) [2](r∠θ )

2. Input the complex numbers  z=-4+3i.
The result in polar form :     5∠143.1301024 

Example2: Convert the complex number (2∠60
°) into rectangular form.
  Input the complex numbers  2∠60
Displayed Result (Natural Display): 1+√3i 
Displayed Result (Line) :1+1.732050808i

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