fx-ESPLUS Series / fx-ES Series

What is "NATURAL-V.P.A.M","Natural Display" or "Natural Textbook Display"?
A significant difference between the calculators of the fx-ESPLUS series (fx-ES Series) and the older calculators is the "NATURAL-V.P.A.M","Natural Display" or "Natural Textbook Display". These terms refer to the ability of the calculators of fx-ESPLUS series (fx-ES series) to display the mathematical operations and terms truthfully. If you want to input fractions, derivatives, integrals and many other operations with the other calculators you have to notice some points. First you have to learn how to input these terms. After you input the term the shown display is different from the familiar appearance in the mathematics books. This is specially for the students in lower grades and beginners in mathematics a big problem. They have to get used to two different demonstrations of the same operation.
The new Casio calculators of
fx-ESPLUS series (fx-ES series) can display the fractions, derivatives, integrals, sums and other operations similar to their display in mathematics books. The advantage is that the input procedure is much more easier and the display is more clear.
In the following lines we have compared the both arts of calculators in this point. We have shown in each picture the input as well as the output of each operation.
Operation fx-ES PLUS Series (fx-ES Series) other calculators

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