Power Requirements

What is the life of the batteries that come with the camera?
The battery life guideline values given below indicate the approximate amount of time at a standard temperature of 23゜C (73゜F) until power automatically turns off due to battery failure. They do not guarantee that the batteries will provide the amount of service indicated. Low temperatures and continued use reduce battery life.

Nubmer of Shots (Operating time) *1 390 shots
Nubmer of Shots (ECO) *1 465 shots
Actual movie recording time(FHD Movie) *1 1 hour 15 minutes
Approximate continuous movie recording time (FHD Movie) *2 2 hours 20 minutes
Approximate continuous movie recording time (High speed movie(HS240)) *2 2 hours 40 minutes
Time Lapse recording time *2
(FHD Movie *3)
4 hours 5 minutes
Continuous Playback (Snapshots) *4 4 hours 40 minutes

• Temperature: 23°C (73°F)
• Battery: NP-130A (Rated Capacity: 1800mAh)
• Recording Medium: 16GB SDHC memory card (SanDisk Corporation)

* 1 In accordance with CIPA (Camera and Imaging Products Association) standards
* 2 In accordance with CASIO standards
* 3 Other settings
      Time Lapse Scene: Standard, Recording interval: 1/2 seconds,
      Total Time: Off, Sleep: 1 minute.
*4 One-image scroll approximately every 10 seconds

- The above values are based a new battery, starting from a full charge. Repeated charging shortens battery life.
- The above values are for reference only. They do not guarantee that the specified battery life will be attained under actual operating conditions.
- Frequency of flash, zoom, Auto Focus, and High Speed CS usage, configured settings, the amount of time the camera is left turned on, and ambient temperature in the area where the camera is used all greatly affect recording time and number of shots values.
- The maximum allowable size of a single movie file is 4GB.

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