
What can I do with the movie editing functions of this camera?
The camera's movie editing function lets you perform the following tasks quickly and easily.
    - Cut everything from the current location to the beginning of the movie.
    - Cut everything between two points.
    - Cut everything from the current location to the end of the movie.

• Editing a file with the movie editing function causes the new file to overwrite the original file.
   Note that you cannot undo a cut operation, to be careful.
• The camera's Movie Cut editing feature seems to take a long time.
• Movie Cut editing is not allowed (and will result in an error message) in the following cases.
  - When the amount of remaining memory space available is less than the size of the movie file you are trying to edit
      * If this happens, delete any files you no longer need to free up more memory.
  - When the movie is less than five seconds long
      * The recording time that appears on the monitor screen is approximate.
        Because of this, you sometimes may not be able to perform a movie cut operation even though the display shows a movie length of five seconds.
  - When the movie was recorded on another camera

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