Wireless LAN Functions

Can I select a particular image in camera memory and send it to a smartphone?
(Send to phone)
Yes. You can select one more snapshot and/or movie*1 file in camera memory and send it to a smartphone. You can select up to 100 files, totaling no more than 500MB for a single send.
After sending a snapshot to a smartphone, you can then upload it to a social networking service.
*1 Some smartphone models may not be able to play back movie files.
*2 Make sure that the battery is charged sufficiently.
*3 Make sure there is enough free space in the destination memory.
*4 After sending, perform the required operation on the destination device to ensure that the send was successful.
*5 Before deleting the image on the source device, check to make sure that it is stored properly on the destination device.

1. On the smartphone, start up EXILIM Remote. In the upper right corner of the screen that appears, tap "Setting".
2. If you plan to upload the image to a social networking service after sending it to the smartphone, select "ON" for "Send to SNS". Otherwise, select "OFF"
3. Enter the PLAY mode. Touch the "Send Image" icon. Touch "Send To Phone". Touch the image to be sent. Touch [OK].
4. On your smartphone, start up the EXILIM Remote app.
  This will establish a connection between your camera and the smartphone, and send the files to the smartphone.
  • If the message "Connect your phone to the access point below." remains on the camera's monitor screen, change the smartphone's Wi-Fi settings so your camera is selected for connection.
5. After image send is complete, tap "OK" on your smartphone.
  The connection between your camera and the smartphone will be terminated automatically after the send operation is complete.
  • If you selected “ON” for "Send to SNS" in step 2 of this procedure:
   A screen for uploading the image to a social networking service will appear on the smartphone screen after image send from the camera is complete. The wireless LAN between the camera and smartphone will be disconnected at this time.
   On the social networking service upload screen, select the service you want to upload to and then tap "send".
  • If you selected "OFF" for "Send to SNS" in step 2 of this procedure:
   The camera and smartphone will remain connected by wireless LAN after the image send operation is complete, so you can repeat steps 3 and 4 of this procedure to send another image.
   To break the connection, exit EXILIM Remote or turn off the camera.

 • To use any of these functions, you need to install the EXILIM Remote Version 2.0 app on your smartphone.
   - Some functions are not supported by EXILIM Remote Version 1.
 • You can specify the size of the image sent to the smartphone using "Resize before send".
3M Images are converted to 3M size before being sent.
• If an original image is 3M size or smaller, it is sent without resizing.
• If an original image size is 3:2 or 16:9, its aspect ratio becomes 4:3.
Original (Off) Images are sent in the pixels size they were originally recorded.

 • You can use the smartphone apps below to view snapshots after sending them.
   - iPhone: Camera Roll
   - Android terminal: Gallery or another photo browser app
 • Simultaneous send to multiple smartphones is not supported.
 • Simultaneous send to the same smartphone by multiple cameras is not supported.

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