[PC Application] Data Editor for PX-5S - Version 1.0.1

Sep 2013

Supported Models


Download files

Data Editor
For Windows: DataEditorPX5S.zip (Ver1.0.1 7.40MB)
Installation method:
 1.Uncompress the downloaded "DataEditorPX5S.zip" file.
 2.This will create a folder named "CASIO Data Editor for PX-5S" on your computer.
For Mac OS: DataEditorPX5S.dmg (Ver1.0.1 10.5MB)
 Installation method:
1.Open the downloaded "DataEditorPX5S.dmg" file.
2.This will create an image named "CASIO Data Editor for PX-5S" on your Mac.
3.Copy the "CASIO Data Editor for PX-5S" to your application folder.
User's Guide Download (English): DATAEDITORPX5-E1A.pdf  (608KB)
 This file is pdf format. (common to Windows and Mac)
Version 1.0.0 >> Version 1.0.1 (2013/09/09)
• Improved certain operation.

Source code release

 This software include software covered by a GNU Lesser General Public License (hereafter LGPL).
You can download LGPL application software of this software from this site.
[Document Disclaimer]
 The LGPL application software has the following [Note] read by all means, and please download a file.
* You are bound by the terms and conditions of the LGPL when using this source code.
* About LGPL application software:The source code is offered based on as "the present conditions" and LGPL.
Click the following links to find out about the LGPL.
LGPL(GNU Lesser General Public License) ver2.1 
* You are not entitled to any support whatsoever concerning this source code. Note that CASIO will not respond to any questions concerning this software.
* Among this software, it is not the offer object of the source code about the software except the LGPL application software.
qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.1.tar.gz (230MB)