
Why aren't exponents/powers being calculated properly when I use the [EXP] or [×10^x] key?
The [EXP] and [×10^x] keys are used for scientific notation, not for entering powers. It is the same as saying "times 10 to the power of". Whatever number is entered immediately after that is the power that 10 is raised to.
To raise a number to a power, use the [^] key.
For example, let us say you want to enter 6 to the 4th power. The proper way to enter this would be:
[6] [^] [4]
The result would be 1,296.
If you instead entered [6] [EXP] [4], then this would be interpreted as 6×(10^4), or 6×10,000, which would be 60,000.

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