
Is there anything I need to keep in mind when performing a calculation?
Yes. Remember that calculations are performed in accordance with a specific "calculation priority sequence".
For example, multiplication and division operations are executed before addition and subtraction operations. Also, each calculator model performs calculations in accordance with a preset calculation priority sequence.
Check the applicable section in your calculator's user's guide for information about the calculation priority sequence it uses for calculations.
(Chapters: Calculation Priority Sequence; Order of Operations; Order of Operations and Levels)

-4^2       result    -16
2+3*4     result    14
In the first example, 4 is squared and then the result is made a negative value. This is because the power operation has a higher priority than the negative sign.
In the second example, the 3*4 operation is performed first, and then the result is added to 2.
This is because multiplication and division has a higher calculation priority than addition and subtraction.

 Expressions enclosed in parentheses are given top priority. Parentheses can be nested inside each other.  In this case, the expression inside the innermost set of parentheses is given top priority.  

(-4)^2   result 16
(2+3)*4  result 20


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