
Logarithm of a number to an arbitrary base
Logarithms in base 10 (common logarithm) and e (natural logarithm) can be calculated directly using the keyboard. But if someone wants to calculate a  logarithm in any other base, he has to convert this logarithm to a logarithm in base 10 using the following equation:

logXY = log Y / log X

(logXY  is the log of Y in base X and log Y is the log of Y in base 10. )
The correctness or validity of this equation can be verified simply. In this way then it is possible to calculate the logarithm of a number to any base with  Casio’s  scientific/graphical calculators . 
Note:  With a graphic calculator such logarithms can also be drawn.

At the following model, you can specify base X using the syntax”log(X,Y)”.
The models:
ClassPad Series

At the following model, you can specify base a using the syntax”logab”.
The models:
fx-9860GIII Series, fx-CG Series

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