
Can I record movies using HDR, Art Shot, and Premium Auto PRO?

HDR: No. HDR is for snapshots only.

Art Shot:
           Yes. Select "ART" as the recording mode, select the scene you want to use,
           and then press the movie button to record.

         • Certain shooting conditions when shooting a movie with this function can cause the image
            and audio to be out of sync.
         • "Art Effect" settings are not applied to movies shot while HDR ART is selected.

         • With this BEST SHOT scene, the Movie Image Quality can be either "HD" or "STD" only.
         • When any Movie Image Quality setting other than "STD" is selected in another mode, the "HD"
           setting is used when shooting with this BEST SHOT scene.

Premium Auto PRO:
        When Premium Auto PRO is enabled, the camera automatically make judgments about the subject,
        shooting conditions, and other parameters.
        The result is higher quality images than those produced by Program Auto recording.

         • Premium Auto PRO is enabled for FHD movies and STD movies only.
         • Premium Auto PRO uses up the battery charge more quickly than using Program Auto recording.

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