Other Special-purpose Recording Features

What can I do with the "Handsfree"?
With Handsfree the camera automatically triggers a self-timer countdown whenever it detects subject movement within a framed area you specify on the monitor screen.
This means you can control operation of the self-timer from a distance by waving your hand, so you can include yourself in the image being shot.

1. Select one of the following as the recording mode: Program Auto, Premium Auto PRO, or High-speed Best Selection 
    (BEST SHOT scene).
    • Movie shooting is disabled while the "High-speed Best Selection" BEST SHOT scene is being used.
2. Tilt the camera's monitor screen 180 degrees.
3. Press the shutter button when shooting a snapshot or the movie button if you are shooting a movie.
    Handsfree will go into standby to wait for trigger movement.
4. Facing the camera, move your hand or perform some other movement within the frame of the "hand" (start self-timer) icon.
    When the camera detects subject movement within the framed area, it will automatically start a self-timer
    countdown. The camera will shoot an image when the countdown reaches zero, and then go back into
    Handsfree standby to wait for the next trigger movement.
   • To stop movie recording, press the movie button again.

   • When shooting a snapshot, a preview icon will appear on the monitor screen. If the camera detects movement
     in the vicinity of the preview icon, it will display the just-shot image for about three seconds.
   • After the camera goes into standby, do not move it. Make sure it is in a stable location where it will not move.
   • In the case of snapshot shooting, the camera will return to standby after an image is shot. 
     The camera will automatically exit standby after 30 consecutive Handsfree Mode snapshots are shot.
     If you want to shoot more, press the shutter button again to enter Motion Shutter standby.
   • While the camera is in standby, any one of the following will cause it to exit standby: pressing the shutter
     button or movie button, tilting the monitor screen upwards or downwards, or rotating the camera.
   • Camera response may become poor when the background is close to the same color as the subject
     (your hand),  or when the subject is too far away from the camera.
     Keep the following points in mind when shooting with Handsfree.
     - Move the framed area to a location where the background color is different from the subject color.
     - Make sure the camera is not too far from the background.
     - Make sure there is nothing moving in the vicinity of the boundary.

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