Other Special-purpose Recording Features

What can I do with Triple Shot?
Triple Shot shoots a burst of three images and stores them in memory.
This means you don't need to worry about making conscious effort to keep from blinking during the shot.

1. In the BEST SHOT Mode, select "Triple Shot".
2. Point the camera at the subject and then half-press the shutter button.
   The camera will start pre-recording images at this time.
    • If you release the half-pressed shutter button before pressing it the rest of the way down, call of the images currently in the pre-record buffer will be deleted.
3. Press the shutter button all the way down to record.
   This will record three images consisting of the action before the shutter button is fully pressed, along with real-time images.
    • Pressing the shutter button all the way without first half-pressing it will result in only two images being recorded.

 • The following functions cannot be used with this function.
   Touch Shutter, Self-timer, LED
 • “Type 1” cannot be selected for the “Review” setting while shooting with this function.
   If “Type 1” is selected in another mode, selecting the “Triple Shot” scene will cause the “Review” setting to change to “Type 2”.

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