REC Mode/Recording Techniques

What can I do with Make-up BKT(Make-up Bracketing)?
Make-up Bracketing(Make-up BKT) lets you shoot three versions of the same image with the press of the shutter button, each with a different Skin Tone setting. This helps you get the skin tone effect you want, even if you do not know exactly what settings to use.

1. In the REC mode, touch Show Icons.
2. Touch the Recording mode icon.
3. Touch Make-up BKT icon.
4. Touch Show Icons and then touch the Make-up icon.
5. Touch the “Skin Tone”, “Smooth Skin” values and change the levels as desired.

    Skin Tone : “Tan +6” to “0” to “Light +6”
    Smooth Skin : “0 (Off)” to “+12 (Max.)”

6. Touch “OK”.
7. Press the shutter button to shoot.
    This will shoot and store three versions of the same image with various “Skin Tone” settings, based on the setting you selected in step 5, above.

• When shooting with "Make-up BKT", you will not be able to record the next image until the current image is saved.
• Only two versions of the image will be shot and stored if you shoot with Make-upBracketing while “+6” is selected for “Skin Tone”.
• "Make-up BKT" cannot be used for movie recording.
• Three images are recorded with Skin Tone offset from the setting value by -2, 0, and +2.

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